Muhammad Amin Al-Istarabadi writes:

المقلد وأوجبوا عليه العمل بظن المجتهد في المسائل التي ليست من ضروريات الدين ولا من ضروريات المذهب ولذلك سموه مقلدا فلو كان عنده حديثٌ  صحيحٌ صريحٌ في مسألةٍ نظريةٍ شرعيةٍ لم يطلع عليه المجتهد وجب عليه طرحه والأخذ بظن المجتهد المخالف له المبني على استصحاب أو براءة أصلية أو شبهها
“They oblige the imitator (Muqallid) to follow the legal scholars (Mujtahids) assumption in matters that belong neither to the necessities of faith nor to the necessities of the denomination and therefore they have named him as an imitator. If he now had an authentic clear statement (hadith) on a legal issue, in which the jurist has no insight of, then the imitator would be obliged to reject it and to follow the assumption of the jurist which contradicts it, based on the principle of continuation or the foundational innocence or whatever resembles it.” [Al-Fawa’id-ul-Madaniyyah, p. 100]

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