Abu I-Qasim Al-Khu’i writes:

إن الولاية لم تثبت للفقيه في عصر الغيبة بدليل وإنما هي مختصة بالنبي والأئمة عليهم السلام

“The governorship of the legal scholar (Wilayat-ul-Faqih) in the time of concealment has not a single proof and is only restricted for Prophet Muhammad (s.) and the Imams (a.).” [At-Tanqih Fi Sharhi l-Urwati l-Wuthqa, Volume 1, page 360]


One response to “Al-Khu’i rejects the authority of the Iranian jurists and leaders”

  1. […] According to Abu Al-Qasim Al-Khu’i, there is not a single piece of evidence [Here!] […]

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