
Someone claimed that, according to At-Tusi, the Imams (a.) had appointed the jurist (Faqih) to govern the people. Is this statement true?


This is a lie.

Abu Ja’far At-Tusi writes: “As for judging (Hukm) between the people and judging (Qada’) between the disputants, this is not permitted either, except for those to whom the rightful ruler (Sultan) gave permission and they (the Imams) transferred it to the legal scholars (Fuqaha’) of their followers in the event that they themselves are not able to take over (Tawalli) of it. So whoever is able to judge or reconcile between men or to mediate between the disputants should do so and he is entitled to the merit and reward for it.” [An-Nihayah, page 301]

قال شيخ الطائفة الطوسي رضي الله عنه: وأما الحكم بين الناس والقضاء بين المختلفين، فلا يجوز أيضا إلا لمن أذن له سلطان الحق في ذلك وقد فوضوا ذلك إلى فقهاء شيعتهم في حال لا يتمكنون فيه من توليه بنفوسهم. فمن تمكن من إنفاذ حكم أو إصلاح بين الناس أو فصل بين المختلفين، فليفعل ذلك، وله بذلك الأجر والثواب


In order to be able to speak, judge and reconcile between people, one does not have to be a state leader. These tasks are – as the scholar literally says – the responsibility of all the jurists and not of a state ruler. As far as border punishments (Hudud) are concerned, according to At-Tusi they cannot be implemented without the Imam of Time (a.).

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