
Was Imam Ali (a.) established as the fourth successor according to Ahmad Ibn Hanbal?


Muhammad Ibn Dawud reported that Wazirah Ibn Muhammad Al-Himsi said: “I came in to Abu Abdillah, Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, when he presented Ali as the fourth successor and said to him: “O father of Abdullah, this is a defamation to Talhah and Az-Zubair!” Then he said: “How evil is your statement! What do we care about the war of these people and the mention of it?” I said: “God give you health, we only mention it since you presented Ali as your fourth successor and made his succession as binding as the succession of the Imams before him.” Then he said to me: “What should prevent me from doing this? I said:”The tradition of Abdullah Ibn Umar.” Then he said to me: “Umar is better than his son and he was satisfied with Ali for the succession to the Muslims and allowed him to participate in the consultation and Ali called himself commander of the faithful. Should I say, then, that there is no commander for the faithful?” Then I left him.” [Tabaqat-ul-Hanabilah by Abu Ya’la, Volume 2, page 502]

عن محمد بن داود بن سليمان قال: حدثنا وريزة بن محمد الحمصي قال: دخلت على أبي عبد الله أحمد بن حنبل حين أظهر التربيع بعلي رضي الله عنه فقلت: له يا أبا عبد الله إن هذا لطعن على طلحة والزبير فقال: بئسما ما قلت وما نحن وحرب القوم وذكرها فقلت: أصلحك الله إنما ذكرناها حين ربعت بعلي وأوجبت له الخلافة وما يجب للأئمة قبله فقال لي وما يمنعني من ذلك قال: قلت: حديث ابن عمر فقال: لي عمر خير من ابنه قد رضي عليا للخلافة على المسلمين وأدخله في الشورى وعلي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه قد سمى نفسه أمير المؤمنين فأقول أنا ليس للمؤمنين بأمير فانصرفت عنه

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