
“As with a seed that will grow seven ears.” [Al-Baqarah 2:261]

كمثل حبة أنبتت سبع سنابل

Mufaddal Al-Ju’fi reported that he asked Imam As-Sadiq (a.) about the verse: “With those who donate their wealth in the way of God, it is like a seed that grows seven ears with a hundred corns in each ear. God gives twice as much to whom He wills. God encompasses and knows all.” (2:265) He said: “The seed is Fatimah (a.) and the seven ears are from their descendants. The seventh of them is the rising (Qa’im).” I said: “Al-Hasan?” He said: “Al-Hasan (a.) is an Imam appointed by God to whom He (Allah swt) obligated the obedience, but he does not belong to the seven ears. The first of them is Al-Husain (a.) and the last of them is the rising (Qa’im). I asked the statement: “With a hundred corns in each ear.” He said: “A man is born among them in Kufa. The thousand are among his descendants, and that includes none but those seven.” [Tafsir-ul-Ayyashi, Volume 1 Page 147 Hadith 480]

عن المفضل بن محمد الجعفي قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن قول الله كمثل حبة أنبتت سبع سنابل قال: الحبة فاطمة صلى الله عليها والسبع السنابل من ولدها سابعهم قائمهم، قلت الحسن؟ قال: ان الحسن امام من الله مفترض طاعته ولكن ليس من السنابل السبعة أولهم الحسين وآخرهم القائم، فقلت: قوله في كل سنبلة مائة حبة قال: يولد الرجل منهم في الكوفة مائة من صلبه وليس ذاك الا هؤلاء السبعة

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