
Did the founder of the Iranian republic order to obey of al-Majlisi’s father?


Mr. Ruhullah Al-Khumaini writes:

وعلى فرض أنك لا تعرف أحداً من العرفاء فاتبع الأعاظم من علماء المعرفة والأخلاق المقبولين عند الجميع كجناب العارف بالله والمجاهد في سبيل الله والسالك إلى الله الشيخ الجليل البهائي قدس سره. وشيخ أرباب المعرفة مولانا محمد تقي المجلسي رضوان الله عليه. وشيخ المحدثين ابنه الكريم مولانا المجلسي رحمة الله عليه وطالع كتاب شرح الفقيه لمولانا المجلسي الأول وهو من الكتب النفيسة والجليلة القدر ألّف باللغة الفارسية

“Assuming that none of the People of Knowledge were known to you, follow the mighty scholars of knowledge and morals accepted by all, such as the God-knowing and God-striving and great scholar Al-Baha’i, God sanctify his soul and the head of the masters of knowledge, our Master Muhammad Taqi Al-Majlisi, may God be pleased with him and may God have mercy on the scholar of the tradition, his noble son, our Master Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi, and read the Book of Sharh-ul-Faqih by our Master Al-Majlisi, the first of the precious and majestic works he wrote in the Persian language.” [Sirr-us-Salah, page 83]


The mentioned book “Sharh-ul-Faqih”, written by Muhammad Taqi Al-Majlisi, is named in its complete form as “Rawdat-ul-Muttaqin Fi Sharh Man La Yahduruh-ul-Faqih” and contains interesting authentic traditions which we read and follow as requested.

Muhammad Taqi Al-Majlisi writes: “It is reported authentically (Sahih) from Husain Ibn Thawr and Abu Salamah that they said: “We heard Abu Abdillah As-Sadiq (a.) curse four men and four women after each prescribed (prayer): At-Taimi, Al-Adawi, that one and Mu’awiyah, and he called them by name.” Meaning: “He (a.) named Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman, but i have avoided naming them.” And he cursed this one and that one. “By which Aishah and Hafsah are meant.” And Hind and Umm-ul-Hakam, sister of Mu’awiyah.” [Sharh-ul-Faqih, volume 2 page 380]

قال المولى محمد تقي المجلسي: وفي الصحيح عن الحسين بن ثور وأبي سلمة السراج قالا سمعنا أبا عبد الله عليه السلام وهو يلعن في دبر كل (صلاة) مكتوبة أربعة من الرجال وأربعة من النساء: التيمي والعدوي وفعلان ومعاوية يسميهم بمعنى أنه عليه السلام سماهم بأبي بكر وعمر وعثمان وأنا أتقيت في عدم تسميهم وفلانة وفلانة يعني عائشة وحفصة وهند وأم الحكم أخت معاوية

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