Muhammad Salih Al-Mazandarani writes:

الحاكم هو القاضي

Hakim is the judge (Qadi). [Sharh-ul-Usul, Volume 2, Page 411]

القضاة جمع القاضي وهو الذي يحكم بجزئيات القوانين الشرعية على أشخاص معينة ويجري الأحكام الجزئية عليهم ويقطع المنازعة المخصوصة بينهم

“Judges (Qudat) is the plural of judge (Qadi) and that is the one who judges in sections of the legislation on a certain group of people and applies the judgments of these sections on them and ends the dispute between them.” [Sharh-ul-Usul, Volume 2, Page 409]


Some fanatics falsify the word “Hakim” ( حاكم ) and translate it as “governor” or “ruler” and claim that the Imams (a.) have appointed a scholar of their choice as the leader of the Muslims

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