
What is Malik Ibn Anas’ position among the people of the house (a.)?


Muhammad Ibn Ali reported that Malik Ibn Anas said: “Neither did an eye see nor an ear hear, nor did the heart of a man think of anyone better than Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) in view of his merit and knowledge and worship and piety.” [Manaqib Al Ibn Abi Talib of Ibn Shahr Ashub, Volume 3 page 372]

عن محمد بن علي بن شهر عن مالك بن أنس قال: ما رأت عين ولا سمعت اذن ولا خطر على قلب بشر أفضل من جعفر الصادق فضلا وعلما وعبادة وورعا

Muhammad Ibn Khalid reported that Abu Ahmad Al-Azdi said: “I heard Malik Ibn Anas, the jurist of Medina, say: “I used to visit Ja’far Ibn Muhammad As-Sadiq (a.), whereby he offered me a pillow and showed his appreciation for me, and he said: “O Malik, I love you! I was happy about it and praised God for it. The Imam (a.) used to leave out none of these three things: Either he was fasting or he was in prayer or he was busy mentioning (God). He was one of the most powerful in worship and one of the greatest in piety, in respect for God. He reported many traditions and cultivated good company and brought forth many benefits. When he said: “The messenger of God (s.) said!” One time he became blueish and another time yellowish (in the face) until he was unrecognizable to that person, although he knew him. In one year I went on pilgrimage with him and when I settled down he was sitting on a camel in a state of devotion. Whenever he intended to say: “I am at your service, God, I am at your service! His voice went silent in his throat and he was about to get off his camel. I said: “Speak, O son of the messenger of God, is it not time to speak?” He said: “O son of Abu Amir, how do I encourage myself to say: I am at your service, God, I am at your service! While I am in the fear of the exalted one saying to me: “Neither am I at your service nor at your pleasure.” [Ilal-ush-Shara’i from As-Saduq, Volume 1 Page 234 – 235]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد عن أبيه قال: حدثنا أبو أحمد محمد بن زباد الأزدي قال سمعت مالك بن أنس فقيه المدينة يقول كنت ادخل إلى الصادق جعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام فيقدم لي مخدة ويعرف لي قدرا ويقول يا مالك إني أحبك فكنت أسر بذلك واحمد الله تعالى عليه قال وكان عليه الصلاة والسلام لا يخلو من أحد ثلاث خصال أما صائما واما قائما واما ذاكرا وكان من عظماء العباد وأكابر الزهاد الذين يخشون الله عز وجل وكان كثير الحديث طيب المجالسة كثير الفوائد فإذا قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أخضر مرة واصفر أخرى حتى ينكره من يعرفه ولقد حججت معه سنة فلما استوت به راحلته عند الاحرام كان كلما هم بالتلبية انقطع الصوت في حلقه وكاد ان يخر من راحلته فقلت قل يا بن رسول الله ولا بذلك من أن تقول فقال يا بن أبي عامر كيف أجسر ان أقول لبيك اللهم لبيك وأخشى أن يقول تعالى لي لا لبيك ولا سعديك


Taqi Ibn Najm reported that Umarah said: “I sat with the commander of the believers (a.) while he sat on the right side of the prayer house in Kufa and people surrounded him. When a man came, he sent him his peace greetings and then said: “O Commander of the Believers, by God, I love you!” Ali (a.) said: “But, by God, I do not love you! What about your love for Abu Bakr and Umar?” The man said: “By God, I love them very much!” Ali said: “What about your love for Uthman?” The man said: “My love for him is rooted in the depth of my heart.” Ali said: “I am the father of Hasan!” [Taqrib-ul-Ma’arif of Al-Halabi, page 243]

عن تقي بن نجم عن عمارة قال: كنت جالسا عند أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام، وهو في ميمنة مسجد الكوفة وعنده الناس، إذ أقبل رجل فسلم عليه، ثم قال: يا أمير المؤمنين والله إني لأحبك، فقال: لكني والله ما أحبك، كيف حبك لأبي بكر وعمر؟ فقال: والله إني لأحبهما حبا شديدا، قال: كيف حبك لعثمان؟ قال: قد رسخ حبه في السويداء من قلبي فقال علي عليه السلام: أنا أبو الحسن

Muhammad Ibn Idris reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) was told: “There is someone who has love for you, but he is weak when it comes to the dissociation from your enemies.” He said: “Far from it! He is a liar who claims to love us while he does not dissociate himself from our enemies.” [Mustatrafat-us-Sara’ir by Abu Abdillah Al-Hilli, page 640]

عن محمد بن إدريس عن جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليهما السلام أنه قيل له: ان فلانا يواليكم، إلا أنه يضعف عن البراءة من عدوكم، قال هيهات، كذب من ادعى محبتنا ولم يتبرأ من عدونا

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