
What does Adh-Dhahabi say about prostration (Sujud) in front of graves?


Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Adh-Dhahabi writes: “Do you not see that the companions – because of their love for the Prophet Muhammad (s.) – said: ” Shall we not prostrate ourselves before you?” So he said: “No.” And if he had allowed them to do so, their prostration would have been an honor and an appreciation for him, and their prostration would not have been worship, just as the brothers of the Prophet Joseph (a.) prostrated themselves before him (12:100), and in the same way the prostration of the Muslim in front of the grave of the Prophet (s.) is done to show him appreciation and honor. No Muslim will become an disbeliever because of this, but he would be a sinner because he knows that he is forbidden to do so, and the same is true of the prayer towards the grave.” [Mu’jam-ush-Shuyukh, Volume 1 Pages 73 – 74]

قال محمد بن أحمد الذهبي: ألا ترى الصحابة من فرط حبهم للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قالوا: ألا نسجد لك؟ فقال: لا, فلو أذن لهم لسجدوا له سجود إجلال وتوقير لا سجود عبادة كما قد سجد اخوة يوسف عليه السلام ليوسف. وكذلك القول في سجود المسلم لقبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم على سبيل التعظيم والتبجيل لا يكفر به أصلا بل يكون عاصيا فليعرف أن هذا منهي عنه, وكذلك الصلاة إلى القبر

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