
According to Al-Mazandarani , is the opponent (Mukhalif) a Muslim?


Muhammad Salih Al-Mazandarani writes: “People can be divided into three kinds. The first type recognizes the guardianship (Wilayah) of the Imams while believing in God and His Messenger (s.). The second type rejects their guardianship (Wilayah) while they have disbelief in God and His Messenger (s.) because they reject the most powerful thing that the Messenger (s.) brought to them and a principle of his principles. The third kind does not recognize their guardianship (Wilayah) and does not deny it while they are in error. The position of each one of the first two species is obvious, but as for the last species, it is subject to the will of God, if this one does not turn back to the leadership , by which is meant obedience to the Imam.” [Sharh Usul Al-Kafi, Volume 5 Page 156]

قال شيخ الإسلام محمد صالح المازندراني رضي الله عنه: قسم الناس على ثلاثة أقسام: الأول: من عرف ولايتهم وهو مؤمن بالله وبرسوله، والثاني: من أنكرها وهو كافر بهما حيث أنكر أعظم ما جاء به الرسول وأصلا من اصوله، والثالث: من لم يعرفها ولم ينكرها، بل هو ساكت متوقف وهو ضال، وحال كل واحد من الأولين ظاهر وأما الأخير فهو في المشية إن لم يرجع إلى الهدى الذي هو طاعة الإمام

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