
According to Al-Majlisi, is the opponent (Mukhalif) a Muslim?


Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes: “One is declared a non-believer (kafir) outwardly (Zahir) and inwardly (Batin) if he denies a necessity of the Islamic faith such as the two creeds (about God and His Messenger) or the resurrection (after death). On that one the judgments for the disbelievers in this world are applied and he dwells eternally in the fire in the life after death. As for the people who belong to a book (Jews and Nazarenes), the Companions have disagreements with them concerning their uncleanness and nullity of marriage. This will be discussed in more detail at the proper time, God willing. One declares those as disbelievers who deny something of the beliefs of the followers of the Imams (a.) when like the leadership, it is not a necessity to ascribe someone to the Islamic faith and it is known that the judgment of disbelievers (batin) is applied to those in the life after death while they remain eternally in the fire, like those who are not followers of the Imams (a. ) and the remaining secessions of their followers, except those who follow the Imams (a.). This is proven by numerous reports which we have passed on in our great work. However, it has also been recognized that many of the accounts bring to light the possibility of salvation from the fire for some of those who are not followers of the Imams (a.), such as those who are weak and whose situation has been postponed by the command of God, and the most knowledgeable scholar and others besides him have already mentioned the view that eternal abiding in the fire for those who are not followers of the Imams (a.), and it is applied to those who are not among the weak and their equals in the degree of weakness, for the leadership belongs to the principles of the doctrine of faith among the followers of these.It has been reported several times and without interruption (Mutawatir) that the Prophet Muhammad (s.) said: “He who dies and does not know the Imam of his time dies death in the time of ignorance. And the reports of this are more numerous than one can mention. As for the judgments in this world, such as ritual purity, marriage and inheritance, it is known that the judgment of the Muslims (Zahir) is applied to them all.” [Mir’at-ul-Uqul Fi Sharh Akhbar Al Ar-Rasul, Volume 11 Page 190 – 191]

قال شيخ الإسلام محمد باقر المجلسي رضي الله عنه: فالكفر يطلق على من أنكر شيئا من ضروريات دين الإسلام ظاهرا وباطنا كالشهادتين أو المعاد ، فهو يجري عليه أحكام الكفار في الدنيا ويخلد في النار في الآخرة إلا أن أهل الكتاب اختلف الأصحاب في نجاستهم وعدم جواز مناكحتهم على التفصيل الذي سيأتي في محله إن شاء الله. ويطلق على من أخل بشيء من العقائد الإيمانية وإن لم يكن ضروريا لدين الإسلام كالإمامة ، والمشهور أنهم في الآخرة بحكم الكفار وهم مخلدون في النار كالمخالفين وسائر فرق الشيعة سوى الإمامية ، وقد دلت عليه أخبار كثيرة أوردناها في كتابنا الكبير ، لكن قد عرفت أنه يظهر من كثير من الأخبار أنه يمكن نجاة بعض المخالفين من النار كالمستضعفين والمرجون لأمر الله ، وقد ذكر العلامة وغيره قولا بعدم خلود المخالفين في النار ، وهو في غير المستضعفين وأشباههم في غاية الضعف لأن الإمامة عند الشيعة من أصول الدين ، وقد ورد متواترا عن النبي صلى‌ الله‌عليه‌ وآله‌ وسلم من مات ولم يعرف إمام زمانه مات ميتة جاهلية ، والأخبار في ذلك أكثر من أن تحصى. وأما الأحكام الدنيوية أيضا كالطهارة والتناكح والتوارث فالمشهور أنهم في جميع ذلك بحكم المسلمين

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