
Did the commentator of Sahih Al-Bukhari free the prophets (a.) from sin?


Badr-ud-Din Al-Ayni writes: “My school of law says that the Prophets (a.) are infallible with regard to sins, both great and small, both before and after the Prophethood, and that what was committed by some of them and appears to one as a small sin has no other meaning than abandoning the better and tending towards the excellent.” [Umdat-ul-Qari Fi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 18 Page 12]

قال العلامة بدر الدين العيني: مذهبي أن الأنبياء معصومون من الكبائر والصغائر قبل النبوة وبعدها، والذي وقع من بعضهم شيء يشبه الصغيرة لا يقال فيه إلا أنه ترك الأفضل وذهب إلى الفاضل

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