
Did the scholar At-Tusi believe that the prophets (a.) forget?


Abu Ja’far At-Tusi writes: “Al-Jaba’i also presented this verse (6:68) as proof that the prophets can neglect and forget (a.). He said: “Quite contrary to what the rejecters (Rafidah) say. They claim about the prophets (a.) that none of this is permissible with them.” And that is also not right, because we only say that the prophets (a.) are not negligent and forget about things that they transmit from God, but as far as other things are concerned, they may forget or disregard it as long as this does not lead to a lack of perfect mind and how should this not be permissible for them when they sleep, fall ill and something overcomes them and sleep is a negligence and the prophets (a.) also forgot much of their administrative affairs and what they lost concerning the past time and from which he (Al-Jaba’i) came out is wrong.” [At-Tibyan-ul-Jami’ Li-Ulum Al-Qur’an, Volume 4 Page 165]

قال شيخ الطافئة أبو جعفر الطوسي رحمه الله: واستدل الجبائي أيضا بالآية على أن الأنبياء يجوز عليهم السهو والنسيان قال بخلاف ما يقوله الرافضة بزعمهم من أنه لا يجوز عليهم شئ من ذلك. وهذا ليس بصحيح أيضا لأنا نقول إنما لا يجوز عليهم السهو والنسيان فيما يؤدونه عن الله، فأما غير ذلك فإنه يجوز أن ينسوه أو يسهو عنه مما لم يؤد ذلك إلى الاخلال بكمال العقل، وكيف لا يجوز عليهم ذلك وهم ينامون ويمرضون ويغشى عليهم، والنوم سهو وينسون كثيرا من متصرفاتهم أيضا وما جرى لهم فيما مضى من الزمان، والذي ظنه فاسد


At-Tusi represented in this topic an understanding from our traditions, which we do not share and reject, may God have mercy on him.

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