
Did the well-known scholar Fadlullah claim that Ali (a.) had sinned?


Muhammad Husain Fadlullah writes: “Why was it not enough for Ali (a.) to ask God to forgive his sins? What do we feel when we see Ali (a.) asking for forgiveness again after already asking for the forgiveness and then even that is not enough for him and he rather crosses the line by asking the intercession of God for him? Do you not feel that Ali (a.) is constantly afraid, and especially that the sins and mistakes he asked God to forgive him for are among the greatest sins, of which a single sin is enough to break your backbone?” [Fi Rihab Du’a Kumail, page 114]

قال محمد حسين فضل الله: لماذا لم يكتف الإمام  علي عليه السلام بطلب المغفرة للذنوب التي سأل الله تعالى أن يغفرها له. ماذا نشعر ونحن نرى عليا عليه السلام يسأل المغفرة تلو المغفرة ثم لا يكتفي بذلك بل يتجاوز إلى سؤال شفاعة الله سبحانه وتعالى له. ألا تشعر أن عليا عليه السلام لا يزال خائفا ولا سيما أن الذنوب والخطايا التي طلب من الله سبحانه وتعالى أن يغفرها له هي من الذنوب الكبيرة يكفي ذنب واحد لينقصهم الظهر منها


We reject the opinion of Mr. Fadlullah and follow the verses and traditions which free Ali (a.) from sin.

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