
According to Al-Amili, are the traditions of the four books “Al-Kafi”, “Man La Yahduruh-ul-Faqih”, “Al-Istibsar” and “Tahdhib-ul-Ahkam” authentic (Sahih)?


Al-Hurr Al-Amili writes:The authors of the four books and those who are like them have already testified that the traditions of their books are authentic (Sahih) and approved them and took them from the original writings, on which there is consensus. If they (the writers) were trustworthy, then this requires acceptance of their words and traditions and reports, because it is a solid testimony. But if they were not trustworthy, then it implies the weakening of all the traditions of their books, because of the weakness of their authors and the negation of their confirmation as being trustworthy. Rather, their negligence and lack of reliability with regard to religion would come to light, as well as their condemnation in the face of the legislation, and that binding is wrong. Therefore what is bound is like this.” [Wasa’il-ush-Shi’ah, Volume 30 Page 264 – 265]

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