
Are there any reports that Al-Kafi was shown to the Imam of Time (a.)?


Abd-ur-Rasul reported that Imam Al-Mahdi (a.) said: “Al-Kafi is sufficient to our followers.” [Al-Kulaini Wa Al-Kafi of Al-Ghaffar, page 397]

عن عبد الرسول الغفار عن الإمام المهدي عليه السلام قال: الكافي كاف لشيعتنا

Ali Ibn Muhammad reported that Imam Al-Mahdi (a.) said: “Al-Kafi is sufficient for our followers.” [Mustadrak Safinat Al-Bihar of An-Namazi, Volume 9 page 182]

عن علي بن محمد عن الإمام الغائب عليه السلام قال: الكافي كاف لشيعتنا


The Imam (a.) did not say: “Except for Al-Kafi, all books are wrong.” Nor did he say: ” Al-Kafi is without contradiction.” The Imam (a.) said literally: “Al-Kafi is sufficient for our followers.” The problem seems to be rather that he did not say: “The opinion of the scholars is sufficient for our followers.” Which you would welcome without any classification, right?

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