Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes:
وكتاب دعائم الاسلام قد كان أكثر أهل عصرنا يتوهمون أنه تأليف الصدوق رحمه الله، وقد ظهر لنا أنه تأليف أبي حنيفة النعمان بن محمد بن منصور قاضي مصر في أيام الدولة الاسماعيلية، وكان مالكيا أولا ثم اهتدى وصار إماميا، وأخبار هذا الكتاب أكثرها موافقة لما في كتبنا المشهورة لكن لم يرو عن الائمة بعد الصادق خوفا من الخلفاء الاسماعيلية، وتحت سر التقية أظهر الحق لمن نظر فيه متعمقا وأخباره تصلح للتأييد والتأكيد

“About the book Da’a’im-ul-Islam most of our contemporaries thought that it was written by As-Saduq, May God rest his soul, but it appeared to us that its author is Abu Hanifah Nu’man Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mansur, who held the office of Judge of Egypt at the time of the Fatimid Empire. He used to be a follower of Malik Ibn Anas, whereupon he found the right path and became a follower of the Imams (a.) and the traditions of this book are mostly the same as those found in our famous works, even though he did not narrate from the imams after Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) for fear of the Fatimid rulers, but under this cautious secrecy the truth came to light for those who examined him more closely and his narrations are well suited for support and verification.” [Bihar-ul-Anwar, Volume 1 Page 26]


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