Did the great scholar Al-Majlisi declare the statement invalid that the whole book of Al-Kafi was shown to the Imam of the time (a.) for verification?
Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes:
وأما جزم بعض المجازفين بكون جميع الكافي معروضا على القائم عليه السلام لكونه في بلدة السفراء فلا يخفى ما فيه على ذي لب نعم عدم إنكار القائم وآبائه صلوات الله عليه وعليهم عليه وعلى أمثاله في تأليفاتهم ورواياتهم مما يورث الظن المتاخم للعلم بكونهم عليهم السلام راضين بفعلهم ومجوزين للعمل بأخبارهم
“As for the certainty of some of those daring people that Al-Kafi was shown to the Imam (a.) in its entirety, due to his stay in the city of the ambassadors, it is not hidden from those who have reason, what is behind this matter. Yes, the lack of rejection of the Imam (a.) and his fathers (a.) of Al-Kafi and the works similar to them, in terms of their compilation and traditions, leaves, from a scientific point of view, the close assumption that the Imams (a.) are satisfied with their work and allow the following of their traditions.” [Mir’at-ul-Uqul, Volume 1 Page 22]

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