
Did Al-Majlisi I. classify the reports of Kitab Sulaim as authentic (Sahih)?


Muhammad Taqi Al-Majlisi writes: “Ali Ibn Ahmad Al-Aqiqi said: “Sulaim Ibn Qais was among the companions of the Commander of the Faithful (a.). Al-Hajjaj looked for him to kill him, whereupon he fled and took shelter with Aban Ibn Abi Ayyash. When death approached him, he said to Aban: “You have a right with me and my death is near. O son of my brother, after the Prophet Muhammad (s.) this and that happened.” He gave him a book that no one among the people of Sulaym Ibn Qais reported except Aban.” He mentioned Aban in his testimony and said: “He was our scholar and a servant of God who had a light that prevailed over him.” What Al-Aqiqi mentioned, however, is incorrect, because we also recorded a tradition by Al-Yamani from Sulaim and we also mentioned that the two most powerful scholars classified his book as authentic (Sahih), whereby the contents of his book proves, that it is authentic (Sahih). No attention should be paid to what Ibn Al-Ghada’iri has mentioned.” [Rawdat-ul-Muttaqin, Volume 14 page 372]

قال محمد تقي المجلسي: وقال السيد علي بن أحمد العقيقي كان سليم بن قيس من أصحاب أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام طلبه الحجاج ليقتله فهرب وآوى إلى أبان بن أبي عياش فلما حضره الوفاة قال لأبان: إن لك علي حقا وقد حضرني الموت يابن أخي إنه كان من الأمر بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله كيت وكيت وأعطاه كتابا لم يرو عن سليم بن قيس أحد من الناس سوى أبان وذكر أبان في حديثه قال: كان شيخنا متعبدا له نور يعلوه وما ذكره فهو ساقط لأنا ذكرنا رواية اليماني عنه أيضا وذكرنا أيضا أن الشيخين الأعظمين حكما بصحة كتابه مع أن متن كتابه دال على صحته فلا يلتفت إلى ما ذكره ابن الغضاپري

Muhammad Taqi Al-Majlisi writes: “It is enough that the two truthful ones, Al-Kulaini and As-Saduq Ibn Babawaih, have relied on it and this is the principle with me and its content is a proof that it is authentic (Sahih).” [Ma’sat-uz-Zahra’, page 146]

قال محمد تقي المجلسي: كفى باعتماد الصدوقين الكليني والصدوق بن بابوبه عليه وهذا الأصل عندي ومتنه دليل صحته

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