
Did Al-Mufid classify the reports of Al-Ikhtisas as authentic (Sahih)?


Abu Abdillah Al-Mufid writes: “This is a book that i have created and written. I went into its collection and decoration and made it flourish with the artwork of the sayings, reading of the reports and the beauties of the narrations.” [Al-Ikhtisas, page 13]

قال الشيخ أبو عبد الله المفيد رضي الله عنه: هذا كتاب ألفته وصنفته وألعجت في جمعه وإسباغه وأقحمته فنونا من الأحاديث وعيونا من الأخبار ومحاسن من الآثار


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