Did Al-Qazwini classify the traditions of Al Kafi as authentic (Sahih)?
Al-Mirza An-Nuri At-Tabarsi writes: “In the work Riyad-ul-Ulama’ it says about the biography of the great scholar and leader Khalil Al-Qazwini: “Among his strangest statements is the statement that the Imam (a.) saw the whole (book) of Al-Kafi and approved it, and that every place where it says: “It is narrated.” Was narrated by the Imam of the time (a.) without a mediator and that all reports in it are true and to act accordingly is obligatory and he even goes so far as to say that there is not a single report in it that was made out of caution (Taqiyyah) or the like of it and that the third part (Ar-Rawdah) was not written by Al-Kulaini but by Ibn Idris and that he was last helped by some companions and the latter statement may go back to Ash-Shahid Ath-Thani but this has not been confirmed.” [Khatimat-ul-Mustadrak, Volume 3 Page 536]
قال الميرزا النوري الطبرسي رحمه الله: هذا ولكن في رياض العلماء في ترجمة العالم الجليل المولى خليل القزويني: ومن أغرب أقواله القول بأن الكافي بأجمعه قد شاهده الصاحب عليه السلام واستحسنه وأنه كل ما وقع فيه بلفظ وروي فهو مروي عن الصاحب عليه السلام بلا واسطة وان جميع أخبارها حق واجب العمل بها حتى أنه ليس فيه خبر للتقية ونحوها وان الروضة ليس من تأليف الكليني بل هو من تأليف ابن إدريس وان ساعده في الأخير بعض الأصحاب، وربما ينسب هذا القول الأخير إلى الشهيد الثاني، ولكن لم يثبت


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