Did An-Na’ini classify the traditions of Al-Kafi as authentic (Sahih)?
Abu l-Qasim Al-Khu’i writes:
وَقَـدْ ذَكَـرَ غَـيْـرُ وَاحِـدٍ مِـنَ الْأَعْـلَامِ أَنَّ رِوَايَـاتِ الْـكَـافِـي كُـلَّـهَـا صَـحِـيـحَـةٌ وَلَا مَـجَـالَ لِـرَمْـيِ شَـىْ‏ءٍ مِـنْـهَـا بَـضَـعْـفِ سَـنَـدِهَـا وَسَـمِـعْـتُ شَـيْـخَـنَـا الْأُسْـتَـاذَ الـشَّـيْـخُ مُـحَـمَّـدٌ حُـسَـيْـنٌ الـنَّـائِـيـنِـيُّ قُـدِّسَ سِـرُّهُ فِـي مَـجْـلِـسِ بَـحْـثِـهِ يَـقُولُ إِنَّ الْـمُـنَـاقَـشَـةَ فِـي إِسْـنَـادِ رِوَايَـاتِ الْـكَـافِـي حِـرْفَـةُ الْـعَـاجِـزِ وَقَـدِ اسْـتَـدَلَّ غَـيْـرُ وَاحِـدٍ عَـلَـى هَـذَا الْـقَـوْلِ بِـمَـا ذَكَـرَهُ مُـحَـمَّـدُ بْـنُ يَـعْـقُـوبَ فِـي خُـطْـبَـةِ كِـتَـابِـهِ
“Several outstanding personalities have stated that all the traditions of Al-Kafi are authentic (Sahih) and there is no room for rejecting any of them because of a weak chain, and I heard our Teacher, who is the scholar Muhammad Husain An-Na’ini, may he rest in peace, say in his discussion session: “To criticize the chain of the traditions of Al-Kafi is the act of an incompetent.” Several have based their opinion on what Muhammad Ibn Ya’qub Al-Kulaini mentioned in the introduction of his book.” [Mu’jam Rijali l-Hadith, Volume 1, page 81]

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