
Did As-Saduq classify the traditions of his famous work “Man La Yahduruh-ul-Faqih” as authentic (Sahih)?


Abu Ja’far As-Saduq writes: “I wrote this book without copying the chains of narrators from the reports, so that its paths would not become too numerous and its usefulness would be increased. My intention was not to report everything that the authors intended to narrate. Rather, my intention was to report what i consider to be authentic (Sahih) and what i am convinced to be a proof between me and my Lord, may His name be sanctified and His omnipotence be glorified. Everything in it is taken from the famous works on which the people rely on and where the reference (Marja’) is.” [Man La Yahduruh-ul-Faqih, Volume 1 Page 12]

قال أبو حعفر الصدوق: وصنفت له هذا الكتاب بحذف الأسانيد لئلاّ تكثر طرقه وإن كثرت فوائده، ولم أقصد فيه قصد المصنفين في إيراد جميع ما رووه، بل قصدت إلى إيراد ما أُفتي به وأحكم بصحته وأعتقد فيه أنّه حجّة في ما بيني و بين ربّي تقدّس ذكره وتعالت قدرته وجميع ما فيه مستخرج من كتب مشهورة عليها المعول وإليها المرجع


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