Muhammad Al-Hurr Al-Amili writes:

الكتب المعتمدة التي نقلت منها أحاديث هذا الكتاب وشهد بصحتها مؤلفوها وغيرهم وقامت القرائن على ثبوتها وتواترت عن مؤلفيها، أو علمت صحة نسبتها إليهم بحيث لم يبق فيها شك ولا ريب، كوجودها بخطوط أكابر العلماء وتكرر ذكرها في مصنفاتهم وشهادتهم بنسبتها وموافقة مضامينها لروايات الكتب المتواترة أو نقلها بخبر واحد محفوف بالقرينة وغير ذلك وهي .. كتاب سليم بن قيس الهلالي

“Among the reliable books from which the traditions of this book have been taken, which have been deemed authentic (Sahih) by their editors and others, whose trustworthiness has been attested by similar ones, which have been transmitted repeatedly and consecutively (Mutawatir) by their editors, or which have been given acknowledgment of their authenticity through traditions,In which there is no suspicion and doubt, like the existing writings of the most formidable scholars, whose mention in their collections and testimonies has been repeated by their attribution, whose contents agree with the traditions of the books reported repeatedly and uninterruptedly (Mutawatir), or which have been transmitted individually and supported by a similar report, and other than this, include: … “the book of Sulaim Ibn Qais Al-Hilali.” [Al-Wasa’il-ush-Shi’ah, volume 30, pages 152 & 157]

One response to “Al-Amili about Kitab Sulaim”

  1. Kitab Sulaim from Al-Hilali – Ahlulbayt

    […] about Kitab Sulaim – – Al-Majlisi I about Kitab Sulaim – – Al-Majlisi II about Kitab Sulaim – – Al-Amili about Kitab Sulaim – – An-Nu’mani about Kitab Sulaim – [Negative opinions] – Al-Mufid about Kitab Sulaim – – […]

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