
Did Al-Ansari classify the reports of Kitab Sulaim as authentic (Sahih)?


Muhammad Baqir Al-Ansari writes: “One of the characteristics of the Book of Sulaim is that it is a famous work about which both the Agreeing and the Disagreeing give their testimonies, that it is a well-known book and authentic (Mu’tabar) among the followers of the people of the house (a.) and they report from it traditions that prove the popularity of the book and its edition has been widely distributed for four centuries.” [Tahqiq Kitab Sulaim, page 21]

قال الشيخ محمد باقر الأنصاري حفظه الله: ومن خصائص كتاب سليم أنه كتاب مشهور شهد الموافق والمخالف بأنه كتاب معروف معتبر عند الشيعة وقد رووا منه أحاديث مما يدل على استشهار الكتاب وتداول نسخته طيلة أربعة عشر قرنا


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