
Did Al-Bahrani classify the reports from Kitab Sulaim as authentic (Sahih)?


Abu Makarim Al-Bahrani writes:“One remembers Sulaim Ibn Qais for his work, which is a famous book and reliable (Mu’tamad), from which the (three) authors have narrated from in their books. He belongs to the subsequent followers who have seen Ali and Salman and Abu Dharr. At the beginning of his book this image of him is revealed: “This is the edition of the book of Sulaim Ibn Qais Al-Hilali, which he presented to Aban Ibn Abi Ayyash and he read it to me.” Aban mentioned that he read it to Imam Zain-ul-Abidin (a.), whereupon he said: “Sulaym has found himself confirmed. These are our traditions that we know.” [Ghaiat-ul-Maram, Volume 5 Page 313]

قال أبو مكارم البحراني: ذكر سليم بن قيس في كتابه وهو كتاب مشهور معتمد نقل منه المصنفون في كتبهم وهو من التابعين رأى عليا وسلمان وأبا ذر وفي مطلع كتابه ما هذه صورته: فهذه نسخة كتاب سليم بن قيس الهلالي رفعه إلى ابان بن ابي عياش وقرأه علي وذكر أبان أنه قرأ على علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام فقال: صدق سليم هذا حديثنا نعرفه


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