Prophet Muḥammad (s.a.) said: “The scholars [ʿUlamāʾ] consist of two people: a scholar who sticks to his knowledge [ʿIlm] and this person is saved and a scholar [ʿĀlim] who does not stick to his knowledge and this person falls into ruin. The inhabitants of the fire seek refuge from the smell of the scholar who does not stick to his knowledge, and of the inhabitants of the fire the most bitterest repentant will be, the one who called a servant to God, to which the servant answered and accepted, to which he obeyed God and let him enter paradise, while He let the caller enter the fire, because the latter did not stick to his knowledge and followed the inclination and prolonged his hope. As for following the inclination, it leads away from the truth, prolongs hope and causes the hereafter to be forgotten.” [Biḥār-ul-Anwār, volume 2 page 34]

قَـالَ الـنَّـبِـيُّ مُـحَـمَّـدٌ صَـلَّـى الـلَّـهُ عَـلَـيْـهِ وَآلـِهِ: الْـعُـلَـمَـاءُ رَجُـلاَنِ رَجُـلٌ عَـالِـمٌ آخِـذٌ بِـعِـلْـمِـهِ فَـهَـذَا نَـاجٍ وَعَـالِـمٌ تَـارِكٌ لِـعِـلْـمِـهِ فَـهَـذَا هَـالِـكٌ وَإِنَّ أَهْـلَ الـنَّـارِ لَـيَـتَـأَذَّوْنَ مِـنْ رِيـحِ الْـعَـالِـمِ الـتَّـارِكِ لِـعِـلْـمِـهِ وَإِنَّ أَشَــدَّ أَهْـلِ اَلنَّـارِ نَـدَـامَـةً وَحَـسْـرَةً رَجُـلٌ دَعَـا عَـبْـدًا إِلَـى الـلَّـهِ فَـاسْـتَـجَـابَ لَـهُ وَقَـبِـلَ مِـنْـهُ فَـأَطَـاعَ الـلَّـهَ فَـأَدْخَـلَـهُ الـلَّـهُ الْـجَـنَّـةَ وَأَدْخَـلَ اَلـدَّاعِـيَ الـنَّـارَ بِـتَـرْكِـهِ عِـلْـمَـهُ وَاِتِّـبَـاعِـهِ الْـهَـوَى وَطُـولِ الْأَمَـلِ أَمَّـا اِتِّـبَـاعُ الْـهَـوَى فَـيَـصُـدُّ عَـنِ الْـحَـقِّ وَطُـولُ الْأَمَـلِ يُـنْـسِـي الْآخِـرَةَ

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