
Are the deeds according to the scholar Al-Majlisi created by God?


Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi writes:

لا ريب في أن خالق الاجسام ليس إلا الله تعالى وأما الأعراض فذهبت الاشاعرة إلى أنها جميعا مخلوقة لله تعالى وذهبت الامامية والمعتزلة إلى أن أفعال العباد وحركاتهم واقعة بقدرتهم واختيارهم فهم خالقون لها

“There is no doubt that the Creator of the bodies is none other than God, and as far as the deeds are concerned, the followers of Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari adopted the view that they are all created by God, while the followers of the Imams (a.) and the Mu’tazilah adopted the view that the actions of the servants and their movements are done by their power and decision and so they are the creators of them.” [Bihar-ul-Anwar, Volume 4 page 148]

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