
Does the previous spokesman of Tafsir-ul-Burhan believe that the Qur’an is complete?


Ash-Sharif Al-Amili Al-Fatuni writes:

قد وردت في زيارات عديدة كزيارة الغدير وغيرها في الدعوات الكثيرة كدعاء صنيم قريش وغيره عبارات صريحة في تحريف القرآن وتغييره بعد النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وكفى في هذا الباب ما ذكرناه في المقالة السالفة من الأخبار الدالة على اقتناء هذه الأمة سنن من كان من قبلهم من الأمم حذوا النعل بالنعل والقذة بالقذة إن من أمور الجلية الواضحة التلي لا نكير فيها أن الأمم السابقة غيروا وحرفوا كتبهم لا سيما التوراة والإنجيل كما هو صريح القرآن والأخبار منها خبر أول هذه الفصل وقد مر في المقالة السابقة قول الباقر صلوات الله عليه إن بني إسرائيل اختلفوا كما اختلفت هذه الأمة في الكتاب وسيختلفوا في الكتاب الذي مع القائم صلوات الله عليه يأتيهم به حتى ينكره ناس كثير فيقدمهم ويضرب أعناقهم فتأمل ولا تغفل عن دلالة هذه الأخبار أيضا على وجود القرآن المحفوظ من الزيادة والنقصان في كل عصر مع إمام الزمان وأنه الذي جمعه علي صلوات الله عليه وأن ما في أيدينا اليوم الحجة لدينا بلا لوم إلى أن يظهر الحق وأهله والله الموفق

“In numerous supplications such as Ziyarat-ul-Ghadir and many other supplications such as Du’a Sanamai Quraish and others, clear statements about the falsification and alteration of the Qur’an according to the Prophet (s.) have been transmitted and on this subject it is sufficient to refer to what we mentioned in the previous treatise of traditions that prove that this congregation follows the path of those who preceded them from the congregations before them like one shoe is like another and one arrow spring is like another. One of the obvious matters that cannot be rejected is that the former communities changed and falsified their scriptures and especially the Torah and the Gospel as the Qur’an and the traditions make clear, including the first report in this section and, as in the previous treatise, the statement of Muhammad Al-Baqir (a. ), that the Children of Israel were divided as this congregation was divided about this book and they will be divided about the book that was written by the Imam of the time (a. ), who comes to them with it, whereupon many people reject it and he lines them up in front and gives them a blow on their necks, so reflect and also do not ignore the proof by these traditions that the Qur’an, which is protected from being added and removed, is kept with the Imam of Time (a. ) and it is this whom Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.) collected and that the one we hold in our hands today is impeccably the proof for us until the truth and his people appear and God is the author of success.” [Muqaddimat-ul-Burhan, page 67]

وعندي في وضوح صحة هذا القول بعد تتبع الأخبار وتفحص الآثار بحيث يمكن الحكم بكونه من ضروريات مذهب التشيع وأنه من أكبر مفاسد غصب الخلافة

“After having followed the reports and examined the traditions, in my opinion, the correctness of this view is so clearly proven that one can pass judgement on it, that it is necessary in order to belong to the Shiite denomination and that it belongs to the most evil things that the snatching away of the succession brought about.” [Muqaddimat-ul-Burhan, page 67]

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