Abu l-Qasim Al-Khu’i writes:

لان حفظ القرآن يجب أن يكون عند من انزل إليهم وهم عامة البشر أما حفظه عند الامام عليه السلام فهو نظير اللوح المحفوظ أو عند ملك من الملائكة وهو معنى تافه يشبه قول القائل إني أرسلت اليك بهدية وأنا حافظ لها عندي أو عند بعض خاصتي

“The Qur’an must be guarded by those to whom it has been sent down and these are generally the human beings. As far as its protection with the Imam (a.) is concerned, this is similar to the preserved heavenly tablet or that it is with one of the angels and this is as feeble-minded as saying: “I sent you a gift and i protect it with me or with some of my close circle.” [Al-Bayan, page 208 – 209]

ولكنا سنبين بعد هذا إن شاء الله تعالى أن ما جمعه عثمان كان هو القرآن المعروف بين المسلمين الذى تداولوه على النبي صلى الله عليه وآله يدا بيد فالتحريف بالزيادة والنقيصة إنما وقع في تلك المصاحف التي انقطعت بعد عهد عثمان وأما القرآن الموجود فليس فيه زيادة ولا نقيصة
“However, we will make it clear hereafter, God willing, that what Uthman collected was the Qur’an known among Muslims, which they studied hand in hand with the Prophet (s.) regularly, so falsification by addition and removal only took place in the copies after the time of Uthman that were discontinued, but as far as the present Qur’an is concerned, there is neither addition nor removal.” [Al-Bayan, pages 198 – 199]

لان الاسلام قد انتشر في زمان عثمان على نحو ليس في إمكان عثمان أن ينقص من القرآن شيئا
“Islam was already so widespread in the time of Uthman that it was not possible for Uthman to remove anything from the Qur’an.” [Al-Bayan, page 218]

وجملة القول أن المشهور بين علماء الشيعة ومحققيهم، بل المتسالم عليه بينهم هو القول بعدم التحريف نعم ذهب جماعة من المحدثين من الشيعة وجمع من علماء أهل السنة إلى وقوع التحريف
“In summary, the rejection of the falsification is widespread between Shiite scholars and their peers. Much more, it is recognized between them that the falsification does not exist. Yes, a group of Shiite hadith scholars and a number of Sunni scholars held the view that the falsification took place.” [Al-Bayan, page 201]

ومما ذكرناه قد تبين للقارئ أن حديث تحريف القرآن حديث خرافة وخيال، لا يقول به إلا من ضعف عقله، أو من لم يتأمل في أطرافه حق التأمل، أو من ألجأه إليه يجب القول به والحب يعمي ويصم، وأما العاقل المنصف المتدبر فلا يشك في بطلانه وخرافته
“Through what we have mentioned, the reader has already been made aware that the tradition about the falsification of the Qur’an is a fairy tale and a fantasy to which no one admits to except a moron or who did not really deal with its aspects spiritually or who was forced to commit himself to its endorsement and the love that makes blind and deaf, but as for the wise, just and thoughtful person, he does not doubt that it is false and a fairy tale.” [Al-Bayan, page 259]


Whoever claims to possess the whole Qur’an does not speak the truth [Read here!]

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