
Does Al-Qurtubi confirm that Asim took over the Qur’an from Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.)?


Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al-Qurtubi writes: I expressed that the statement of the Messenger (a.): “Take the Qur’an from four people: From Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud.” Proves its authenticity and belongs to what makes clear to you that each of the people of the readings from the inhabitants of the Hijah and Iraq goes back to his reading he chose to a man from the companions. He took the reading from the Prophet (s.). Nothing of the entirety of the Qur’an was excluded. Asim attributed his reading to Ali and Ibn Mas’ud, Ibn Kathir attributed his reading to Ubayy and in the same way Amr Ibn Al-A’la attributed his reading to Ubayy and as for Abdullah Ibn Amir, he attributed his reading to Uthman and they all say: “We took the reading from the Messenger (s.). The chains of transmission of these readings are complete and their transmitters are trustworthy, as Al-Khattabi said.” [Al-Jami’ Li-Ahkam Al-Qur’an, Volume 1 Page 96]

قال محمد بن أحمد القرطبي: قلت قوله عليه السلام خذوا القرآن من أربعة من ابن أم عبد يدل على صحته، ومما يبين لك ذلك أن أصحاب القراءات من أهل الحجاز والشام والعراق كل منهم عزا قراءته التي اختارها إلى رجل من الصحابة قرأها على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لم يستثن من جملة القرآن شيئا. فأسند عاصم قراءته إلى علي وابن مسعود، وأسند ابن كثير قراءته إلى أبي، وكذلك أبو عمرو بن العلاء أسند قراءته إلى أبي، وأما عبد الله بن عامر فإنه أسند قراءته إلى عثمان وهؤلاء كلهم يقولون: قرأنا على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وأسانيد هذه القراءات متصلة ورجالها ثقات قاله الخطابي


Hafs transmits the Qur’an from Asim, which is still widely used today.

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