
Does the scholar As-Suyuti think that  reading the Qur’an in every case is a good idea?


Jalal-ud-Din As-Suyuti writes:

ولا يجوز قراءة القرآن بالعجمية مطلقا سواء أحسن العربية أم لا في الصلاة أم خارجها وعن أبي حنيفة أنه يجوز مطلقا وعن أبي يوسف ومحمد لمن لا يحسن العربية لكن في شارح البزدوي أن أبا حنيفة رجع عن ذلك ووجه المنع أنه يذهب إعجازه المقصود منه

“It is absolutely not allowed to read the Qur’an in a foreign language, no matter whether one has a good understanding of the Arabic language or not, whether it is in prayer or outside of it, and from Abu Hanifah it is said to be absolutely allowed and from Abu Yusuf and Muhammad it is said it would be up to those who do not know the Arabic language well, but the commentary by Al-Bazdawi says that Abu Hanifah turned away from this view and the reason for the ban is that it would deprive it of its inimitability, which is the meaning of it. ” [Al-Itqan Fi Ulum Al-Qur’an, Volume 1 Page 307]

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