
Does Ibn Taymiyyah allow himself to describe the Qur’an with falsification?


Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah writes:

والصحيح أن هذه الترواة الذي بأيدي أهل الكتاب فيها ما هو حكم الله وإن كان قد بدل وغير بعض ألفاظهما

“It is true that in this Torah, which is in the hands of the people of the book, is the judgment of God, even if some of the words have already been distorted and changed.” [Al-Jawab-us-Sahih, Volume 2 Page 412]

واليهود حرفوا التوراة وكذلك الرافضة حرفوا القرآن

“The Jews falsified the Torah, and the Shiites falsified the Qur’an in the same way.” [Minhaj-us-Sunnah, Volume 1 Page 25]

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