
Does Al-Qurtubi deny the revelation of 113 verses?


Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al-Qurtubi writes: “The authentic (Sahih) of these views is the opinion of Imam Malik, because the Qur’an is not confirmed by individual reports. Rather, his path is multiple, uninterrupted (Mutawatir) and certain, on which there is no disagreement. Ibn Al-Arabi said: “The disagreement of people about it ( Basmalah ) should be enough for you that it does not belong to the Qur’an, because there is no disagreement about the Qur’an.” The authentic accounts, which are not to be criticized, prove that “In the name of the merciful and compassionate God.” (1:1) Is neither a verse of Al-Fatihah nor anywhere else is, except in An-Naml alone.” [Al-Jami’ Li-Ahkam Al-Qur’an, Volume 1 Page 145]

قال محمد بن أحمد القرطبي: الصحيح من هذه الأقوال قول مالك لأن القرآن لا يثبت بأخبار الآحاد وإنما طريقه التواتر القطعي الذي لا يختلف فيه. قال ابن العربي: ويكفيك أنها ليست من القرآن اختلاف الناس فيها والقرآن لا يختلف فيه. والأخبار الصحاح التي لا مطعن فيها دالة على أن البسملة ليست بآية من الفاتخة ولا غيرها إلا في النمل وحدها


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