
According to Yusuf Al-Bahrani, can the majority enter paradise?

Yusuf Al-Bahrani writes:

أي فرق بين من كفر بالله سبحانه وتعالى ورسوله وبين من كفر بالأئمة عليهم السلام مع ثبوت كون الإمامة من أصول الدين بنص الآيات والأخبار الواضحة الدلالة كعين اليقين

,,Where is the difference between disbelief in God and His messengers (s.) and disbelief in the Imams (a.), although it has been proven with certainty by the verses of the Qur’an and clear reports that the office of the Imam is one of the principles of faith (Usul-ud-Din)?” [Al-Hada’iq-un-Nadirah, Volume 18 page 153]

وأوضحنا كفر المخالفين غير المستضعفين ونصبهم وشركهم بالأخبار المتكاثرة التي لا معارض لها في البين وأنه ليس اطلاق المسلم عليهم إلا من قبيل اطلاقه على الخوارج وأمثالهم من منتحلي الاسلام

,,We have already clarified the disbelief of the opponents (Mukhalif) who are not among those who are considered weak and that they are enemies (nawasib) and idolaters according to the numerous reports, which are obvious without any disagreement and that they cannot be called Muslims unless one would also call those who departed (khawarij) and their like-minded ones, who attribute themselves to Islam, that way.” [Al-Hada’iq-un-Nadirah, Volume 18 page 148]

المستضعفين الذين هم أكثر الناس يومئذ كما يفهم من الأخبار والمراد به كما قدمنا ذكره من لا يعرف ولا ينكر

,,Those who are considered as weak are those, who form the majority of the people to this day, as can be seen from the reports, and as we have already mentioned, this refers to those who neither recognize nor oppose.” [Al-Hada’iq-un-Nadirah, Volume 10, Page 446]

قد ورد في أخبارنا أن المستضعفين من المخالفين ممن يرجى لهم الفوز بالجنة وإن دل ظاهر الآية الشريفة على أنهم من المرجئين لأمر الله، إلا أن ظاهر جملة من الأخبار أن عاقبة أمرهم إلى الجنة

,,It has already been narrated in our reports, that those, who are considered as weak, from among the opponents (Mukhalif) are among those, for whom one can hope that they will enter the paradise, even if the verses of the Qur’an obviously prove, that they are among those whose affairs are left to God, but from the outward appearance of a lot of narrations, the outcome of their matter ends in paradise.”  [Al-Hada’iq-un-Nadirah, Volume 1, Page 86]

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