
What connection does the founder of the Mansurites have with the devil?


Hafs Ibn Amr reported that they spoke to Imam As-Sadiq (a.): “May my life be sacrificed to you, Abu Mansur told me that they lifted him up to his Lord and He stroked his head and said to him in Persian: “O my son!” He said: “My father related to me from my grandfather that the Messenger of God (s.) said: “The devil took a throne between the heaven and the earth and set up guardians in the number of angels. When he calls a person who will answer him, he steps on his heel and crosses his feet to him.” The devil appeared to him and lifted him up to himself and Abu Mansur was the messenger of the devil. May God curse Abu Mansur, May God curse Abu Mansur (three times)!” [Al-Ikhtiyar of At-Tusi, page 254 Hadith 38]

سعد، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن أبيه، ويعقوب بن يزيد، والحسين ابن سعيد، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن إبراهيم بن عبد الحميد، عن حفص بن عمرو النخعي، قال، كنت جالسا عند أبي عبد الله عليه السلام فقال له رجل: جعلت فداك ان أبا منصور حدثني أنه رفع إلى ربه وتمسح على رأسه وقال له بالفارسية ياپسر فقال له أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: حدثني أبي عن جدي أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: إن إبليس اتخذ عرشا فيما بين السماء والأرض، واتخذ زبانية كعدد الملائكة فإذا دعا رجلا فأجابه ووطئ عقبه وتخطت إليه الاقدام، تراءى له إبليس ورفع إليه، وان أبا منصور كان رسول إبليس، لعن الله أبا منصور، لعن الله أبا منصور ثلاثا

Sa’d Ibn Abdillah Al-Qummi writes: “Among the sects are those who are called Mansurites and are companions of Abu Mansur Al-Ijli, who claimed that God lifted him up to Himself (4:158) and approached him and stroked His hand over his head and said to him: “O my son!” He also stated that he was a prophet and messenger, and that He had taken Himself to God as intimate with Him as He took Himself to Abraham (a.) as intimate with Him (4:125). Abu Mansur belonged to Abd-ul-Qais among the citizens of Kufah and had a residence in the city, growing up in the desert and not being able to read. After the death of Muhammad Al-Baqir (a.), he claimed that he had given him his power of command and appointed him as his representative. After that, he went on until he said: “Ali, the son of Abu Talib, was a prophet and messenger and so was Hasan and Husain and Ali, the son of Husain and Muhammad, the son of Ali and after them i am also a prophet and messenger and the prophethood and messengerhood is also held by six of my descendants who are prophets after me and whose last one is the leader (Mahdi) and rising one (Qa’im). Abu Mansur often used the practice of strangling and ordered his companions to strangle and kill the one who disobeyed them, leaving them the fifth part (khums) of the booty they could get their hands on and saying: “Whoever defies you is an unbelieving idolater, so kill him, for God says: “Kill the idolaters wherever you find them!” (9:5) This is a hidden operation (jihad)!” Likewise, he claimed that Gabriel (a.) brings him revelations from God and God sent Muhammad (s.) with the revelation (Qur’an), and Abu Mansur with the interpretation (Ta’wil) and his level with Muhammad (s.) is the level of Joshua (a.) with Moses (a.) and he has the authority of command after him.” (9:5) [Firaq-ush-Shi’ah, page 49]

قال سعد بن عبد الله القمي: ومنهم فرقة تسمى المنصورية أصحاب أبي منصور العجلي وهو الذي ادعى أن الله عز وجل عرج به إليه وأدناه منه وكلمه ومسح بيده على رأسه تم قال له أي بني وذكر أنه نبي ورسول وأن الله اتخذه خليلا كما اتخذ إبراهيم خليلا وكان أبو منصور هذا من أهل الكوفة من عبد القيس وله فيها دار وكان منشؤه بالبادية وكان أميا لا يقرأ وادعى بعد وفاة أبي جعفر محمد بن علي بن الحسين أنه فوض إليه أمره وجعله وصيه ثم ترقى به الأمر إلى أن قال كان علي بن أبي طالب نبيا ورسولا وكذا الحسن والحسين وعلي بن الحسين ومحمد بن علي وأنا بعدهم نبي ورسول والنبوة والرسالة في ستة من ولدي يكونون بعدي أنبياء آخرهم المهدي القائم وكان المنصور هذا خناقا يأمر أصحابه بخنق من خالفهم وقتلهم بالإغتيال وجعل لهم خمس ما يأخذون من الغنيمة ويقول من خالفكم فهو كافر مشرك فاقتلوه فإن الله يقول فاقتلوا المشركين حيث وجدتموهم وهذا جهاد خفي وزعم أن جبرئيل عليه السلام يأتيه بالوحي من عند الله عز وجل وأن الله تعالى بعث محمدا بالتنزيل وبعثه يعني نفسه بالتأويل وأن منزلته من رسول الله منزلة يوشع بن نون من موسى بن عمران وأنه الذي يقيم الأمر بعده

Sa’d Ibn Abdillah Al-Qummi writes: “Khalid Al-Qasri searched for Abu Mansur and weakened him. Then Yusuf Ath-Thaqafi subdued and crucified him. Then Umar Al-Khannaq subdued his son Al-Husain Ibn Abi Mansur, who claimed to be a prophet and claimed his fathers rank. A fortune was gathered with him and many people followed his opinion and path and spoke out in favor of his prophethood. He was then taken to Abbasid Al-Mahdi, who executed and crucified him in his succession after he confessed. He confiscated a large fortune from him and searched bitterly for his companions and subdued a crowd of them and executed and crucified them too. The Mansurites claimed that the family of Muhammad (a.) is heaven and the followers are the earth and they claimed that with the verse “If they saw a piece of heaven fall down, they would say: “A piled cloud.” (52:44) Those are meant who do not believe in the election of Al-Mughirah and they claimed that Abu Mansur is the falling piece and the Mansurites claimed that the first one God created is Jesus (a.) and after that Ali, the son of Abu Talib (a.) ) and therefore they are both the best creatures that God created and that human beings are a mixture of light and darkness and they declared everything allowed (Halal) that God declared forbidden (Haram) and said: “God has forbidden us nothing. Thus our souls are doing well and our bodies are getting stronger, in accordance with the advocacy of the Zoroastrians regarding the intercourse with their own mothers and daughters and we are only the garden of God for which He decreed us not to let His garden fall into oblivion.” They abolished inheritance, divorce, prayer, fasting and pilgrimage, and they claimed that this meant names of people.” [Firaq-ush-Shi’ah, page 50]

قال سعد بن عبد الله القمي: فطلبه خالد بن عبد الله القسري فأعياه ثم ظفر به يوسف بن عمر الثقفي وصلبه ثم ظفر عمر الخناق بابنه الحسين بن أبي منصور وقد تنبأ وادعى مرتبة أبيه وجبيت إليه الأموال وتابعه على رأيه ومذهبه بشر كثير وقالوا بنبوته فبعث به إلى المهدي محمد بن أبي جعفر المنصور وقتله المهدي في خلافته وصلبه بعد أن أقر بذلك وأخذ منه مالا عظيما وطلب أصحابه طلبا شديدا وظفر بجماعة منهم فقتلهم وصلبهم وزعمت المنصورية أن آل محمد هم السماء والشيعة هم الارض وزعموا أن قول الله وإن يروا كسفا من السماء ساقطا يقولوا سحاب مركوم أنه يريد الذين لا يؤمنون بالعيان من المغيرة وزعموا أن الكسف الساقط هو أبو منصور وزعمت المنصورية أن أول خلق خلقه الله عيسى ثم علي بن أبي طالب فهما أفضل من خلق من خلقه وأن الناس ممزوجون من نور وظلمة واستحلوا جميع ما حرم الله وقالوا لم يحرم الله علينا شيئا تطيب به أنفسنا وتقوى به أجسادنا على قول المجوس في نكاح الأمهات والبنات وإنما نحن بستان الله أمرنا أن لا ننسى بستانه وأبطلوا المواريث والطلاق والصلاة والصيام والحج وزعموا أن هذه أسماء رجال

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