Muhammad Sanad Al-Bahrani writes:

وقد أخبرنا الشيخ العلامة السيفي المازندراني حفظه الله أنه سأل صاحب تفسير الميزان في أواخر عمره عن أفضل تفسير القرآن الكريم فأجاب تفسيرا القمي والعياشي فسأله الشيخ وماذا عن تفسير الميزان؟ فأجابه السيد محركا يده كالمستخف بكتابه الميزان قياسا ومقارىة بالتفسير الحديثي الروائي لأهل البيت عليهم السلام وأنه لا يقاس بالثقلين شيء من كلام البشر المفسرين

“We were told by the teacher Allamah Saifi Al-Mazandarani, May God protect him, that he asked the author of Tafsir-ul-Mizan in his last days of life, what is the best book to explain the noble Qur’an, whereupon he answered: “Tafsir-ul-Qumi and Tafsir-ul-Ayyashi.” Then the teacher asked him: “But what about Tafsir-ul-Mizan?” The master replied that the two weighty things cannot be compared with any human statement of any interpretive scholar, moving his hand as if he was lowering his book Al-Mizan (in rank) in comparison with the Tafsir, which contains the sayings of the people of the house (a.).” [Islam Ma’iyyati th-Thaqalain, page 19]

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