Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Dawud Al-Hilli writes:

عبد الله بن سبأ رجع إلى الكفر وأظهر الغلو كان يدعي النبوة وأن عليا عليه السلام هو الله فاستتابه عليه السلام ثلاثة أيام فلم يرجع فأحرقه في النار في جملة سبعين رجلا ادعوا فيه ذلك

“Abdullah Ibn Saba’ fell back into disbelief and published exaggeration. He used to claim prophethood and that Ali (a.) is God, whereupon he urged him to repent for three days, but he did not back down from it, whereupon he burned him in the fire along with seventy people who made claims about him.” [Rijal Ibn Dawud, page 469]


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