
According to Al-Majlisi’s father, was Abu Hanifah an honest person?


Muhammad Taqi Al-Majlisi writes:

وروى عن أبي حنيفة قال سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن رجل زنا بميتة قال لا حد عليه وحمل على الزنا بزوجته وأطلق على الزنا تجوزا مع إحتمال التقية وكذب الراوي فإنه أكذب الكاذبين على الله ورسوله فكيف يبالي أن يروج مذهبه بالرواية عنه عليه السلام وسيجيء الأخبار المستفيضة وتقدم أيضا أن حرمة المؤمن ميتا كحرمته وهو حي

“It was narrated by Abu Hanifah that he said: “I questioned Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) about a man who fornicated with a deceased woman. He replied: “No border punishment will be carried out on him.” It was interpreted as fornication with one’s own wife, which was described as fornication because of the transgression, although it is also possible that it was uttered at the risk of one’s life and that the narrator lied because he is the most dishonest liar about God and His Messenger (s.) So what should he care if he propagates his point of view by means of a story about Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.). There will be numerous traditions to follow and it was preceded by the fact that the sanctity of the deceased believer is like his sanctity during his lifetime.” [Sharh-ul-Faqih, volume 10 page 226]


This book was praised by Khumaini [Here]

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