Muhammad Ibn Ali l-Warraq reported that Abu Bakr Al-Asadi said: “I heard Abu Bakr, the son of Abu Dawud As-Sijistani, one day while he was speaking to his companions: “What do you say about a matter on which Malik and his companions, Ash-Shafi’i and his companions, Al-Awza’i and his companions, Hasan Ibn Salih and his companions, Sufyan At-Thawri and his companions, and Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and his companions agreed upon?” They said:”O Abu Bakr, there is no fact more correct than this.” Then he said: “All of these people agreed on the misguidance of Abu Hanifah.” [Tarikh Baghdad of Al-Baghdadi, Volume 3, Page 394]

حدثنا محمد بن علي بن مخلد الوراق لفظا قال في كتابي عن أبي بكر محمد بن عبد الله بن صالح الأسدي الفقيه المالكي قال سمعت أبا بكر بن أبي داود السجستاني يوما وهو يقول لأصحابه ما تقولون في مسألة اتفق عليها مالك وأصحابه والشافعي وأصحابه والأوزاعي وأصحابه والحسن بن صالح وأصحابه وسفيان الثوري وأصحابه وأحمد بن حنبل وأصحابه فقالوا له يا أبا بكر لا تكون مسألة أصح من هذه فقال هؤلاء كلهم اتفقوا على تضليل أبي حنيفة

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