
Does Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani confirm that Jesus (a.) obviously died?


Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani writes: “There is a disagreement about the death of Jesus (a.) before his ascension and the reason for this is the word of the Exalted One: “I will cause you to die and raise you up to me.” (3:55) Therefore, there is disagreement about what is obvious and on the basis of this, Jesus (a.) comes down to earth and stays there for a limited time and dies a second time. Likewise, the meaning of His Word is said to be “I will let you die.” From the earthly world and on the basis of this, Jesus (a.) dies only in the end times. There is also disagreement about His age at the time of His ascension. It is said that he was 33 years old and it is said that he was 120 years old.” [Fath-ul-Bari Fi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 6 Page 569]

قال ابن حجر العسقلاني: وقد اختلف في موت عيسى عليه السلام قبل رفعه، والأصل فيه قوله تعالى: إني متوفيك ورافعك فقيل على ظاهره، وعلى هذا فإذا نزل إلى الأرض ومضت المدة المقدرة له يموت ثانيا. وقيل: معنى قوله: (متوفيك) من الأرض، فعلى هذا لا يموت إلا في آخر الزمان. واختلف في عمره حين رفع فقيل ابن ثلاث وثلاثين، وقيل مائة وعشرين

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