One of the innovators made the claim that one should kill the one who loves Abu Bakr and Umar and consume the flesh of his body. Al-Anwar-un-Nu’maniyyah was cited as the source on page 211.
The servant of Umar lied!
Ni’matullah Al-Jaza’iri writes: “It has already been reported that the sparrow loves this (Abu Bakr) and that (Umar) while he is in height. It is desirable to kill, slay and eat it from every angle.” [Al-Anwar-un-Nu’maniyyah, Volume 1 page 211]
قال شيخ الإسلام نعمة الله الجزائري رضي الله عنه: فإنه قد روى أن العصفور يحب فلانا وفلانا وهو سَني فينبغي قتله بكل وجه وإعدامه وأكله

What do the Imams of the Innovators say about the consumption of human flesh?
Muhammad Ibn Idris Ash-Shafi’i says: “The flesh of the Son of Adam is edible, but the killing of the protected (Jew and Nazarene) is not permitted, for his blood is honorable, nor of the Muslim and the prisoner, for he is a property of the other. However, if it is someone with whom one is at war or someone who, in a chaste state, commited an unmarital act, then his killing and eating from him is permitted.” [Al-Jami’ Li-Ahkam Al-Qur’an of Al-Qurtubi, Volume 3, Page 41]
قال محمد بن إدريس الشافعي: يأكل لحم ابن آدم ولا يجوز له أن يقتل ذميا لأنه محترم الدم ولا مسلما ولا أسيرا لأنه مال الغير فإن كان حربيا أو زانيا محصنا جاز قتله والأكل منه

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