Habib As-Sijistani reported that Imam Al-Baqir (a.) said:“When Adam (a.) learned of the murder of Abel (a.), he mourned greatly. So he complained to God about this, whereupon God revealed to him: “I am giving you a boy who will succeed Abel.” Then Eve conceived him for him. When it was the seventh day, Adam gave him the name Seth. Thus God revealed to him: “O Adam, this boy is but a gift from Me to you. Therefore, call him the gift of God (Hibatullah).” Then Adam gave him that name. When the time of death came for Adam, God revealed to him: “I will let you die. So authorize the best of your descendants, who is My Gift I gave you. Now authorize him and hand over to him what I taught you of the names, for I wish that the earth does not remain without a knowledgeable one who teaches My knowledge and judges with My judgement. I make him a proof of Me to My creation.” On this Adam (a.) gathered all of his descendants of men and women. Then he said to them: “O my descendants, God revealed to me: “I will let you die.” (3:55) And He commanded me to authorize the best of my descendants and it is Hibatullah and God chose him for me and you after me. So listen to him and obey his command, for he is my representative and successor for you.” Then they all said: “We listen to him and obey his command and will not disobey him.” And Adam (a.) had an ark brought to him. Then he put his knowledge and the names and the testament into it. Then he handed it over to Hibatullah. So he said to him: “Behold! when i die, O Hibatullah, wash me, put my shroud around me, pray for me, and put me into my pit. Then when your death approaches and you feel this from yourself, seek the best of your descendants and the one of them who will keep you in company the most, and the most excellent of them. So authorize him with what i have authorized you with, and do not leave the earth without one of us who is knowledgeable. O my son, God brought me down to the earth, made me a successor on it and a proof from Him to His creation and i made you the proof of God on His earth after me. So do not leave this world until you appoint a proof of God to His creation and a representative after you and hand over the Ark and what it contains to Him as i handed it over to you and teach Him that there will be from one of my descendants, a prophet whose name is Noah. at his prophethood there will be the flood and drowning. So command your representative to keep the Ark and what it contains. When the death approaches him, then charge him to appoint the best of his descendants, and each of them shall put his will in the ark and write it among themselves. Whoever of them experienced the prophethood of Noah shall go aboard with him and bring the Ark and what it contains into his Ark, and no one shall stay away from it, and beware, O Hibatullah, and you, O my descendants, of the cursed Cain.” Now when the day came that God taught him that He would cause him to die to him, Adam (a.) prepared himself for death and submitted himself to Him. Then the angel of death came down, whereupon Adam said: “I testify that there is no God but God alone, who has no associate, no God, and i testify that i am the servant of God and His successor on His earth. He started with me by His goodness and made His angels prostrate before me and He taught me all the names. After that He let me inhabit His paradise and made it a resting place for me and not a settlement and He created me only to inhabit the earth for the purpose He intended in destiny and regulation.” And Gabriel (a.) had already come down from Paradise with the shroud for Adam and had with him a balm and a shovel and with Gabriel seventy thousand angels came down to attend the burial of Adam. So Hibatullah and Gabriel washed him and he put his shroud around him and embalmed him. Then Gabriel said to Hibatullah: “Go forward that you may pray for your father and manifest for him seventy-five times the greatness (of God).” So the angels dug a pit. Then they put him into his pit. Thus Hibatullah enforced the obedience to God among the descendants of his father. As his death approached, he gave his son Kenan authority and handed over the ark to him. Thus Kenan enforced obedience to God among his siblings and the children of his father. When death came to him, he gave his son Jered his authority and handed over the ark and everything it contained to him and gave him the prophethood of Noah. When death came to him, he gave his authority to his son Enoch, who is Idris, and handed over the ark and everything it contains and the testament to him. Thus it filled Enoch. Now when his time limit was approaching, God revealed to him: “I lift you up into heaven.” (19:57) Give authority to your son Hirkasil. After which he did so. Thus Hirkasil fulfilled the testament of Enoch. When death came to him, he gave his son Noah (a.) his authority and handed over the ark to him. So the ark remained with Noah until he took it into his ark. When death came to him, he gave his authority to his son Shem and handed over the ark and everything it contained to him.” [Kitab-un-Nubuwwah of As-Saduq, pages 46-49, hadith 34]

محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل أخبرنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن هشام بن سالم عن حبيب السجستاني عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال لما علم آدم عليه السلام بقتل هابيل جزع عليه جزعا شديدا عظيما فشكا ذلك إلى الله تعالى فأوحى الله تعالى إليه أني واهب لك ذكرا يكون خلفا من هابيل، فولدته حواء فلما كان يوم السابع سماه آدم عليه السلام شيثا، فأوحى الله تعالى إليه يا آدم إنما هذا الغلام هبة مني إليك فسمه هبة الله، فسماه آدم به، فلما جاء وقت وفاة آدم عليه السلام أوحى الله تعالى إليه أني متوفيك فأوص إلى خير ولدك وهو هبتي الذي وهبته لك فأوص إليه وسلم إليه ما علمتك من الأسماء فإني أحب أن لا يخلو الأرض من عالم يعلم علمي ويقضي بحكمي، أجعله حجة لي على خلقي، فجمع آدم عليه السلام ولده جميعا من الرجال والنساء ثم قال لهم يا ولدي إن الله تعالى أوحى إلي أني متوفيك وأمرني أن أوصي إلى خير ولدي وإنه هبة الله وإن الله اختاره لي ولكم من بعدي، فاسمعوا له وأطيعوا أمره فإنه وصيي وخليفتي عليكم، فقالوا جميعا: نسمع له و نطيع أمره ولا نخالفه، قال وأمر آدم عليه السلام بتابوت ثم جعل فيه علمه والأسماء والوصية ثم دفعه إلى هبة الله فقال له انظر إذا أنا مت يا هبة الله فاغسلني وكفني وصل علي وأدخلني حفرتي، وإذا حضرت وفاتك وأحسست بذلك من نفسك فالتمس خير ولدك وأكثرهم لك صحبة وأفضلهم فأوص إليه بما أوصيت به إليك، ولا تدع الأرض بغير عالم منا أهل البيت يا بني إن الله تعالى أهبطني إلى الأرض وجعلني خليفة فيها وحجة له على خلقه، وجعلتك حجة الله في أرضه من بعدي، فلا تخرجن من الدنيا حتى تجعل لله حجة على خلقه ووصيا من بعدك، وسلم إليه التابوت وما فيه كما سلمت إليك، وأعلمه أنه سيكون من ذريتي رجل نبي اسمه نوح يكون في نبوته الطوفان والغرق فأوص وصيك أن يحتفظ بالتابوت وبما فيه فإذا حضرته وفاته فمره أن يوصي إلى خير ولده وليضع كل وصي وصيته في التابوت وليوص بذلك بعضهم إلى بعض، فمن أدرك منهم نبوة نوح فليركب معه وليحمل التابوت وما فيه إلى فلكه ولا يتخلف عنه واحد، واحذر يا هبة الله وأنتم يا ولدي الملعون قابيل فلما كان اليوم الذي أخبره الله أنه متوفيه تهيأ آدم عليه السلام للموت وأذعن به فهبط. ملك الموت فقال آدم أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، وأشهد أني عبد الله وخليفته في أرضه ابتدأني بإحسانه، وأسجد لي ملائكته، وعلمني الأسماء كلها، ثم أسكنني جنته ولم يكن جعلها لي دار قرار ولا منزل استيطان، وإنما خلقني لأسكن الأرض للذي أراد من التقدير و التدبير، وقد كان نزل جبرئيل عليه السلام بكفن آدم من الجنة والحنوط والمسحاة معه، قال ونزل مع جبرئيل سبعون ألف ملك ليحضروا جنازة آدم، فغسله هبة الله وجبرئيل وكفنه و حنطه ثم قال جبرئيل لهبة الله: تقدم فصل على أبيك وكبر عليه خمسا وسبعين تكبيرة، فحفرت الملائكة ثم أدخلوه حفرته، فقام هبة الله في ولد أبيه بطاعة الله تعالى، فلما حضرته وفاته أوصى إلى ابنه قينان وسلم إليه التابوت، فقام قينان في إخوته وولد أبيه بطاعة الله تعالى وتقدس، فلما حضرته الوفاة أوصى إلى ابنه يرد وسلم إليه التابوت وجميع ما فيه وتقدم إليه في نبوة نوح عليه السلام فلما حضرت وفاة يرد أوصى إلى ابنه أخنوخ وهو إدريس وسلم إليه التابوت وجميع ما فيه والوصية، فقام أخنوخ به فلما قرب أجله أوحى الله تعالى إليه إني رافعك إلى السماء فأوص إلى ابنك خرقاسيل ففعل، فقام خرقاسيل بوصية أخنوخ، فلما حضرته الوفاة أوصى إلى ابنه نوح عليه السلام وسلم إليه التابوت، فلم يزل التابوت عند نوح حتى حمله معه في سفينته فلما حضرته الوفاة أوصى إلى ابنه سام وسلم إليه التابوت وجميع ما فيه

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