Ruhullah Al-Khumaini writes:

أطردوا فقهاء السلاطين هؤلاء ليسوا بفقهاء وقسم منهم البستهم دوائر الامن والأستخبارات العمائم لكي يدعوا للسطان ويستنزلوا عليه بركاته ورحماته وقد ورد في الحديث في شأن هؤلاء: فاخشوهم على دينكم هؤلاء يجب فضحهم لانهم أعداء الاسلام يجب على المجتمع أن ينبذهم ففي نبذهم واحتقارهم نصر للاسلام ولقضية الاسلام. يجب على شبابنا وأبنائنا انتزاع عمائم هؤلاء من فوق رؤوسهم أين شبابنا في أيران؟ هل ماتوا ام غفلوا؟ لا أقول أقتلوا هؤلاء فلتنزع عمائمهم على الاقل على الناس جميعا ان يمنعوا هؤلاء من الظهور في المجتمع بملابس رجال الدين

“Throw out the palace scholars. They are not legal scholars, and a group of them the security and intelligence circles put on the turbans so that they would make supplications to God for the ruler and ask him to let His blessings and graces descend upon him. There is already a tradition about them: “Beware of them because of your religion.” It is a duty to expose them because they are the enemies of Islam. It is a duty for society to denounce them, for in the rejection and humiliation of them is a victory for Islam and for the cause of Islam. It is a duty for our youth and sons to rip their turbans from their heads. Where is our youth in Iran? Have they died or become careless? I’m not saying: “Kill them.” But at least have their turbans torn off their heads. It is the duty of all people to forbid them to appear in public in the clothing of religious men.” [Al-Hukumat-ul-Islamiyyah, page 143]



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