Muhammad Husain At-Tahrani writes:
وتحدّث الدّكتور حسن روحاني مرّةً في مجلس فاتحة أُقيم بمناسبة استشهاد المرحوم السّيّد مصطفى الخمينيّ زاده الله علوًّا ومرتبة فاساتدلّ بالآية الكريمة وإذ ابتلى إبراهيم ربّه بكلمات فأتمّهنّ قال إنّي جاعلك للنّاس إمامًا قال ومن ذرّيّتي قال لا ينال عهدي الظّالمين الّتي تُفيد أنّ الله أعطى إبراهيم عليه السّلام منصب الإمامة بعد ابتلائه بذبح ولده إسماعيل فدعا إلى إطلاق كلمة الإمام على السّيّد الخمينيّ بسبب استشهاد نجله السّيّد مصطفى ولا يتمّ هذا الاستدلال إذ إنّ الله تعالى هو الّذي منح إبراهيم ذلك العنوان وأدّاه بقوله إنّي جاعلك والله سبحانه الّذي ترك الإمام المهديّ حيًّا وجعله ملجًأ وملاذًا وموئلًا ومنجيًا لا يجعل إمامًا آخرًا إلا على سبيل النّيابة لو أردنا أن نتّخذ لهوً لأتّخذناه من لدنا إن كنّا فاعلين

“Once, during a mourning session, Doctor Hasan Ruhani gave a speech that was held because Mr. Mustafa Khumaini was the victim of a killing. He gave a verse as proof: “When Abraham was tested by his Lord through words and he completed them, God said: “I am the one who appoints you as an Imam for the people.” Abraham (a.) said: “Also some of my descendants?” God said: “My covenant does not extend to those who do wrong.” (2:124) From which it can be concluded that Abraham (a.) was raised by God to the rank of Imam after his trial by the sacrifice of his son Ishmael (a.). Therefore, he called for Mr. Khumaini to be titled the Imam because his son, Mr. Mustafa Khumaini, was the victim of a killing, but this proof is invalid because God gave Abraham this title and enforced it with His Word: “I appoint you as the Imam of the people.” God kept Imam Al-Mahdi (a.) alive and made him a shelter, a port, a resting place and a saviour. He does not appoint anyone else as Imam unless it is in the form of a representation: “If We had wanted to create a diversion for Ourselves, We would have done so from Ourselves, if We had wanted to do so at all.” [Ma’rifat-ul-Imam, Volume 18, Page 191]


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