Abu Samit al-Hulwani said:“I said to As-Sadiq (a.): “Give me that which will remove doubt from my heart.” He said: “Take out the key that is in your sleeve.” So i reached for it, and the key became a lion. So i was afraid. He said: “Take it, be not afraid.” And i took it, and it became a key again, as it had been before.” [Bihar-ul-Anwar of Al-Majlisi, Volume 47, Page 117]
الخرائج: روي عن أبي الصامت الحلواني قال: قلت للصادق عليه السلام: أعطني الشئ ينفي الشك عن قلبي، قال عليه السلام: هات المفتاح الذي في كمك، فناولته فإذا المفتاح أسد، فخفت قال: خذ لا تخف، فأخذته، فعاد مفتاحا كما كان


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