Muhammad Sadiq Ar-Rawhani writes:
مقتضى إطلاق جملة النصوص والفتاوى عدم الفرق في الحرمة بين عورة المسلم والكافر وعن ظاهر الصدوق رحمه الله وصاحب الوسائل قدس الله سره جواز النظر إلى عورة غير المسلم بغير شهوة واستدل له بما رواه في الفقيه عن الصادق صلوات الله عليه أنه قال: إنما أكره النظر إلى عورة المسلم فأما النظر إلى عورة من ليس بمسلم مثل النظر إلى عورة الحمار وبمصحح ابن أبي عمير عن أبي عبد الله صلوات الله عليه قال: النظر إلى عورة من ليس بمسلم مثل نظرك إلى عورة الحمار

“In general, it can be seen from the rules and enlightement (fatwa) that there is no difference in the prohibition regarding the nakedness (awrah) of a Muslim and an unbeliever, while there is As-Saduq, God have mercy on him and the author of Al-Wasa’il, May God rest his soul, who apparently, allowed to look at the nakedness (awrah) of a non-Muslim without lust, and as proof of this there is the tradition in Al-Faqih, in which Ja’far As-Sadiq (a. ) said: “I only detest looking at the nakedness (awrah) of a Muslim, but as for looking at the nakedness of one who is not a Muslim, it is like looking at the nakedness of a donkey.” As well as the tradition that Ibn Abi Umair authentically (Sahih) reported from Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) who said: “Looking at the nakedness (Awrah) of one who is not a Muslim is like looking at the nakedness of a donkey.” [Fiqh-us-Sadiq, Volume 1, pages 198 – 199]

Rida Ibn Muhammad Al-Hamadani writes:

عن المحدث العاملي وظاهر الصدوق اختصاص حرمة النظر بعورة المسلمين دون الكفار لما رواه في الفقيه عن الصادق صلوات الله عليه أنه قال إنما أكره النظر إلى عورة المسلم فأما النظر إلى عورة من ليس بمسلم مثل النظر إلى عورة الحمار
“The hadith scholar (Al-Hurr) Al-Amili and obviously As-Saduq specifically advocated the prohibition of looking at the nakedness (Awrah) of Muslims, to the exclusion of the disbelievers and this on the basis of the tradition in Al-Faqih, in which Ja’far As-Sadiq (a. ) said: “I only detest looking at the nakedness (awrah) of a Muslim, but as for looking at the nakedness of one who is not a Muslim, it is like looking at the nakedness of a donkey.” [Misbah-ul-Faqih, Volume 2, Page 47]

Abu l-Qasim Al-Khu’i writes:
أما بالإضافة إلى حرمة النظر إلى عورة الكافر ففيه كلام وخلاف وقد ورد جوازه في روايتين وإن كان يحتمل اتحادهما إحدهما حسنة ابن أبي عمير عن غير واحد عن أبي عبد الله صلوات الله عليه قال: النظر إلى عورة من ليس بمسلم مثل النظر إلى عورة الحمار وثانيهما مرسلة الصدوق عن الصادق عليه السلام أنه قال: إنما أكره النظر إلى عورة المسلم فأما النظر إلى غورة من ليس بمسلم مث ل النظر إلى عورة الحمار وهما صريحتان في الجواز كما ترى ولعل الوجه فيه أن غير المسلم نازل عن الإنسانية وساقط عن الاحترام فحالهم حال الحيوان لأنهم كالأنعام بل هم أضل وهذا أعني القول بالجواز هو المحكي عن جماعة وهو ظاهر الوسائل والحدائق بل الصدوق أيضا لأن إيراده الرواية في كتابه يكشف عن عمله على طبقها وما ذهبوا إليه لا يخلوا عن قوة لصراحة الحسنة في الجواز واعتبارها بحسب السند هذا
“As for the prohibition against looking at the nakedness (Awrah) of an unbeliever, it can be talked about and discussed. Two traditions have been reported that allow it, although both are probably of one kind. One of them, which can be classified as good (Hasan), was narrated by Ibn Abi Umair through several paths from Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.), who said: “Looking at the nakedness (Awrah) of one who is not a Muslim is like looking at the nakedness of a donkey.” The second, which is to be classified as interrupted (Mursal), was narrated by Muhammad As-Saduq from Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.), in which he said: “I only detest looking at the nakedness (Awrah) of a Muslim, but as for looking at the nakedness of one who is not a Muslim, it is like looking at the nakedness of a donkey.” As can be seen, both traditions clearly state that it is allowed, and the reason for this may be that non-Muslims are deprived of humanity and dignity and their situation is the situation of animals because they are like cattle and even more stray (25:44) and the view that it is permissible is declared and manifestly held by a group (by Al-Hurr Al-Amili) in Al-Wasa’il and (Yusuf Al-Bahrani) in Al-Hada’iq and even As-Saduq, for his narrative of traditions is revealed in his book, that he acts in accordance with them and the point of view of these people is, based on the tradition, which is to be classified as good (Hasan) and clearly states that it is allowed, as well as their acceptable chain, is by no means of a weak nature. ” [At-Tanqih, Volume 3, Page 358]
Yusuf Ibn Ahmad Al-Bahrani writes:
من هذه الرواية المنقولة عن الفقيه يظهر اختصاص تحريم النظر بعورة المسلم. ومثلها حسنة ابن ابي عمير عن غير واحد عن ابي عبد الله عليه السلام قال النظر إلى عورة من ليس بمسلم مثل النظر إلى عورة الحمار وبذلك جزم المحدث الشيخ محمد بن الحسن الحر العاملي في كتاب البداية. وشيخنا الشهيد في الذكرى صرح بالتحريم فيها كعورة المسلم، ثم قال وفيه خبر بالجواز عن الصادق عليه السلام ولعل الجواز في الخبرين المذكورين مقيد بعدم اللذة والفتنة كما يشير إليه التمثيل بعورة الحمار. والمراد بالعورة هي القبل والدبر والبيضتان، لمرسلة ابي يحيى الواسطي عن ابي الحسن الماضي عليه السلام انه قال العورة عورتان القبل والدبر والدبر مستور بالاليتين، فإذا سترت القضيب والبيضتين فقد سترت العورة
“From the tradition narrated in Al-Faqih, it is obvious that it is only forbidden to look at the private parts (Awrah) of Muslim persons and a report like this, which can be classified as good (Hasan), was narrated by Ibn Abi Umair through several paths from Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.), who said: “Looking at the nakedness (Awrah) of one who is not a Muslim is like looking at the nakedness of an donkey.” Al-Hurr Al-Amili was also convinced of this in the book Al-Bidayah, while Shams-ud-Din Al-Amili in the book Adh-Dhikra, as with the pubic area of Muslim persons said: “There are reports of Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) allowing it and the permission in the recorded traditions may be related to doing it without lust and temptation, as the example with the nakedness (awrah) of the donkey points out.” By the nakedness one means the pubic part as well as the rear part and the testicles, as it is shown in the tradition of Ibn Yahya Al-Wasiti, which is to be classified as interrupted (Mursal), in which Musa Al-Kazim (a.) said: “The nakedness (Awrah) is two different parts: the pubic part and the rear part. The rear part is covered with the cheeks. When the limb and testicles are covered, the nakedness is covered.” [Al-Hada’iq-un-Nadirah, Volume 2, Page 5]

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