Ibn Zayyat reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said:“Suhak was a maid of Abd-ul-Muttalib who had a physical disability. She looked after the camels and came from Abyssinia. She used to desire intercourse and when Nufail, the grandfather of Umar, saw her, he lusted after her and made love with her in the pasture of the camels. Thereupon he stayed with her and she became pregnant with Khattab from him. When he reached sexual maturity and saw his mother Suhak, he liked her physical disability. After that he stayed with her and she became pregnant with Hantamah. When she was born from her, she was afraid of her family. Therefore she wrapped Hantamah in a robe of wool and abandoned her in the outskirts of Mecca. After that she found Hisham (Hashim), the son of Mughirah Ibn Walid, who brought her to his home, took her in and gave her the name Hantamah. It was an Arab custom that he who raised an orphan child accepted him as his child. When Hantamah reached sexual maturity and Khattab saw her, he desired her and asked Hisham (Hashim) to marry her. Thereupon he married her and he begat Umar with her. Khattab was his father, grandfather and uncle and Hantamah was his mother, sister and aunt.” [Bihar-ul-Anwar of Al-Majlisi, Volume 31 page 100]
عن علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن ابن الزيات، عن الصادق عليه السلام أنه قال: كان صهاك جارية لعبد المطلب، وكانت ذات عجز، وكانت ترعى الإبل، وكانت من الحبشة وكانت تميل إلى النكاح، فنظر إليها نفيل جد عمر فهواها وعشقها من مرعى الإبل فوقع عليها، فحملت منه بالخطاب، فلما أدرك البلوغ نظر إلى أمه صهاك فأعجبه عجزها فوثب عليها فحملت منه بحنتمة، فلما ولدتها خافت من أهلها فجعلتها في صوف وألقتها بين أحشام مكة، فوجدها هشام (هاشم) بن المغيرة بن الوليد، فحملها إلى منزله ورياها وسماها – ب‍: الحنتمة، كانت مشيمة العرب من ربى يتيما يتخذه ولدا، فلما بلغت حنتمة نظر إليها الخطاب فما إليها وخطبها من هشام (هاشم)، فتزوجها فأولد منها عمر، وكان الخطاب أباه وجده وخاله، وكانت حنتمة أمه وأخته وعمته
Ali Ibn Muhammad reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “Of that (Umar) whose grandfather is his uncle and father and whose mother is his sister and aunt, it is not surprising that he hates the Representative (Ali) and rejects his oath of allegiance on the day of Ghadir Khumm.” [Mustadrak Safinati l-Bihar of An-Namazi, Volume 5 page 412]
عن علي بن محمد بن إسماعيل عن أبو عبد الله الصادق عليه السلام قال: من (عمر) جده خاله ووالده وأمه أخته وعمته أجدر أن يبغض الوصي (علي) وأن ينكر يوم الغدير بيعته
Taqi Ibn Najm reported that Isma’il Ibn Yasar said: “Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) used to call Umar an illegitimate born (Walad Zina) and Abu Ja’far, the father of Dawaniq, an illegitimate born, and he did not use this manner of speaking with anyone but them.” [Taqrib-ul-Ma’arif of Al-Halabi, page 248]
عن تقي بن نجم عن إسماعيل بن يسار عن جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليهما الصلاة والسلام قال: كان إذا ذكر عمر زناه، وإذا ذكر أبا جعفر أبا الدوانيق زناه، ولا يزني غيرها
Hasan Ibn Sulaiman Al-Hilli writes: “The followers of the Imams (a.) agree that Umar is illegitimately born (Walad Zina).” [Al-Muhtadar, page 102]
قال حسن بن سليمان الحلي: وقد أجمعت الشيعة الإمامية على أنه (عمر) ولد زنا
Yusuf Ibn Ahmad Al-Bahrani writes: “There is no disagreement in text and explanation (fatwa) that Umar is illegitimate born (Walad Zina) and in the same way illegitimate intercourse between his fathers took place.” [Al-Hada’iq-un-Nadirah, volume 23 page 25]
قال يوسف بن أحمد البحراني:  فإنه لا خلاف نصا وفتوى في كونه (عمر) ابن زنا وكذا حصول الزنا في آبائه أيضا

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