Musa Shahin Lashin writes:

عَـنْ أُمِّ سَـلَـمَـةَ زَوْجِ الـنَّـبِـيِّ رَضِـيَ الـلَّـهُ عَـنْـهَـا أَنَّـهَـا كَـانَـتْ تَـقُـولُ أَبَـى سَـائِـرُ أَزْوَاجِ الـنَّـبِـيِّ أَنْ يُـدْخِـلْـنَ عَـلَـيْـهِـنَّ أَحَـدًا بِـتِـلـكَ الـرَّضَـاعَـةِ وَقُـلْـنَ لِـعَـائِـشَـةَ وَالـلَّـهِ مَـا نَـرَى هَـذَا إِلَّا رُخْـصَـةً أَرْخَـصَـهَـا رَسُـولُ الـلَّـهِ لِـسَـالِـمٍ خَـاصَّـةً فَـمَـا هُـوَ بِـدَاخِـلٍ عَـلَـيْـنَـا أَحَـدٌ بِـهَـذِهِ الـرِّضَـاعَـةِ وَلَا رَائِـيـنَـا

“From Umm Salamah, the wife of the Prophet (s.), that she used to say: The other wives of the Prophet (s.) refused to let anyone come in to them through these sucklings, and they said to A’ishah: “By God, we see this only as a permission given by the Messenger of God (s.) exclusively to Salim. Therefore, no one comes in to us through this suckling, nor are we of the opinion of it.” [Fath-ul-Mun’im, volume 5, page 619]

كـانَـتْ عَـائِـشَـةُ رَضِـيَ الـلَّـهُ عَـنْـهَـا تَـرَى أَنَّ رَضَـاعَ الْـكَـبِـيـرِ يُـحَـرِّمُـهُ وَأَرْضَـعَـتْ غُـلَامًـا فِـعْـلًا وَكَـانَ يَـدْخُـلُ عَـلَـيْـهَـا وَأَنْـكَـرَ بَـقِـيَّـةُ أُمَّـهَـاتِ الْـمُـؤْمِـنِـيـنَ ذَلِـكَ كَـمَـا يَـظْـهَـرُ مِـنَ الـرِّوَايَـةِ الـثَّـانِـيَـةَ عَـشَـرَةَ والـثَّـالِـثَـةَ عَـشَـرَةَ

“A’ishah was of the opinion that the suckling of the adult establishes a kinship with him and in fact she suckled a boy who used to come in to her, while the other mothers of the believers refused to do so, as can be seen from the twelfth and thirteenth traditions.” [Fath-ul-Mun’im, volume 5, page 622]

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