
Was it part of Khalid Ibn Al-Walid’s lifestyle to be attended by the same sex?


Ahmad Ibn Ali reported that Rafi’ Ibn Abi Rafi’ At-Ta’i said: “Abu Bakr and Umar sent out for Khalid Ibn Al-Walid to select him and send him to kill Ali (a.) and he promised them. Then Asma’ Bint Umais, the wife of Abu Bakr, heard about it and she sent one of her maids and said: “Go to the house of Ali and tell him: “A group of people ordered your assassination!” When the maid had done what she was ordered to do and Ali (a.) listened to her, he said: “God enclose her in His mercy! Say to your maid: “Who murders him? The transgressors of oaths, the apostates, and those who incline to the false one?” Then the time of morning prayer began, and they used to wash themselves until the woman was not recognized by the man, but God achieves His matter. Abu Bakr said to Khalid Ibn Al-Walid: “When the morning prayer is performed, cut off the head of Ali and therefore pray beside him!Abu Bakr began to reflect in prayer and repent of his decision and he sat in prayer until the sun came up. He feared the restlessness and the endangerment of his life and therefore he said three times before the final greeting of peace (Taslim) of his prayer: “O Khalid, do not carry out what I have commanded you! Khalid shall not carry out what he was ordered!” Thereupon Ali (a.) turned to him, while Khalid embraced the sword at his side and he said: “O Khalid, what is that which he had commanded you?” He answered: “He ordered me to kill you, O commander of the believers!” Ali (a.) said: “And you were about to do it?” Khalid said: “Yes, by Allah, if Abu Bakr had not forbidden me to do it, I would have struck a blow to your head!” The commander of the believers (a.) said: “You are a liar, you have no mother! The exit point of the buttocks of the one who will kill me is tighter than the exit point of your buttocks! With Him Who split the seed and created the soul, if the judgment had not already preceded it, you would know which of the two groups has a worse shelter and weaker force!” [Al-Ihtijaj of Abu Mansur At-Tabarsi, Volume 1 Page 117 – 118]

عن الشيخ أحمد بن علي رحمه الله عن رافع بن أبي رافع الطائي قال: ان أبا بكر وعمر بعثا إلى خالد بن الوليد فواعداه وفارقاه على قتل علي عليه السلام وضمن ذلك لهما، فسمعت ذلك الخبر أسماء بنت عميس امرأة أبي بكر في خدرها، فأرسلت خادمة لها، وقالت ترددي في دار علي وقولي له الملأ يأتمرون بك ليقتلوك ففعلت الجارية وسمعها علي عليه السلام، فقال رحمها الله قولي لمولاتك فمن يقتل الناكثين والمارقين والقاسطين؟ ووقعت المواعدة لصلاة الفجر إذ كان أخفى، واختيرت للسدفة والشبهة [فإنهم كانوا يغسلون بالصلاة حتى لا تعرف المرأة من الرجل] ولكن الله بالغ أمره، وكان أبو بكر قال لخالد بن الوليد: إذا انصرفت من صلاة الفجر فاضرب عنق علي. فصلى إلى جنبه لأجل ذلك وأبو بكر في الصلاة يفكر في العواقب فندم فجلس في صلاته حتى كادت الشمس تطلع يتعقب الآراء ويخاف الفتنة ولا يأمن على نفسه. فقال قبل أن يسلم في صلاته: يا خالد لا تفعل ما أمرتك به – ثلاثا – وفي رواية أخرى لا يفعلن خالد ما أمر به، فالتفت علي عليه السلام فإذا خالد مشتمل على السيف إلى جانبه فقال: يا خالد ما الذي أمرك به؟ قال: بقتلك يا أمير المؤمنين قال: أو كنت فاعلا؟ فقال، أي والله لولا أنه نهاني لوضعته في أكثرك شعرا فقال له علي عليه السلام: كذبت لا أم لك من يفعله أضيق حلقة است منك، أما والذي فلق الحبة وبرئ النسمة لولا ما سبق به القضاء لعلمت أي الفريقين شر مكانا واضعف جندا

Abu Maitham Ibn Abi Yahya reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “There is no one born except that a Satan of Satans is present. If it is in the knowledge of God that it will be one of our followers, He protects it from this Satan and if it will not be one of our followers, Satan confirms his index finger in his buttocks so that it matures into a man with whom other men have intercourse and if it is female and Satan confirms his index finger in her shame, she matures into a woman beyond proportion. Therefore the child cries very much when it leaves its mother’s womb and after that God erases and confirms what He wants. With Him is the primal norm of the book (13:39).” [Bihar-ul-Anwar of Al-Majlisi, volume 4 page 121 Hadith 64].

عن أبي ميثم بن أبي يحيى عن جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام قال: ما من مولود يولد إلا وإبليس من الأبالسة بحضرته، فان علم الله أنه من شيعتنا حجبه من ذلك الشيطان، وإن لم يكن من شيعتنا أثبت الشيطان إصبعه السبابة في دبره فكان مأبونا فإن كان امرأة أثبت في فرجها فكانت فاجرة فعند ذلك يبكي الصبي بكاءا شديدا إذا هو خرج من بطن أمه، والله بعد ذلك يمحو ما يشاء ويثبت وعنده أم الكتاب

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  1. […] The sword of love for men – – Khalid insults the companions – – Khalid’s joy in killing […]

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